Extreme Drone Crashes – Compilation 201502:55

Drone videos of some epic fails and drone crashes while flying.

Anyone who has ever flown a multicopter will know that not every flight ends in a soft landing. Quadcopter pilots can often run into problems when flying. Be that, wild animals, unexpected obstacles like mountains, trees, power lines, tall buildings, other flying craft, drones loosing signal and flying away, and even more sinister sounding phenomena such as “the flip of death”, a somewhat common occurrence on the DJI s800 hex-rotor.

Whatever the reason that causes a drone to go down, one thing they almost always have in common is great aerial footage of the crashes! Usually this is provided in High definition Go Pro videos.

This is why we decided to compile some of the most extreme and entertaining of these drone crashes to the back track of Queens – Another one bites the dust, a highly appropriate song in our opinion.

This is a compilation of multirotor crashes and hard landings. Thankfully no one was injured in any of the footage that we used in this compilation (we can’t say the same for the drones and quads featured in the video)

Making aerial videos is always going to be a risk, as flying anything from a paper plane to a Boeing 747 comes with a chance of failure. Usually we only get to see the finished product of an aerial video, be that a fast paced FPV drone race star wars pod style in a parking lot or forest clip or a cinematic video shot by a DJI Phantom or Inspire, but in this drone video compilation there are only the epic fails and crashes!

Remember to fly your Radio control craft responsibly and safely at all times, and always ensure you have planned your flight, and have a backup in case of an emergency landing.

Thank you to all the pilots who made this video possible.

R.I.P to all the Quads and Multirotors that never made a full recovery.

Song: Queen: Another one Bites the dust

Videos Featured in this compilation, check out these creators, they all have really great videos! So Subscribe to their channels!

Epic Drone Fail
By Nick Cosky

Phantom 2 Drone Crash, Caution very, very funny
By Gonzoshots

Quadcopter FAIL Dji Phantom 2 Crash
By Zitheone zi

Parron AR Drone Water Take off Fail
By Mike Johnson
DJI Phantom crash in water
By Alex Scicluna

DJI Phantom 2, crash and sink to the bottom
By JonO

Crazy DJI Phantom Vision 2 Drone Crash Plus funny
Jeff Dombroski

My First day with my drone
By Zwier Spanjer

FPV Racing – Crash Session!!!

FPV Quadcopter Under Current
By jab1a

EPIC – GoPro Quadcopter crash video – includes underwater descent into davy jones’ locker
Ja M

DJI s800 “flip of death” CRASH!!!
By High Tech Covette

DJI Phantom Vision 2 Plus Attacked by Goose While Golfing
By Dynamic Filmz

S800 Flip
by marown1

DJI Phantom flight, then switch to manual mode, crash and burn
By Sparkfly88

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    1. EvaristeWK
    2. Mick McCann
    3. pauline bodin
    4. Dji Phantom 2 - Dutch
    5. Chromirage
    6. Rafał_JMK
    7. Omar Cruz
    8. maciek stępień (doniu05pl)
    9. Matt Krolik
    10. KpilotRCHelis
    12. The one and only Vanex
    13. Ryan O
    14. Julio Chao
    15. Lawrence Gardiner
    16. Caroll Cafardy
    17. MaxAmps.com
    18. Dag Nabbit
    19. Dorien Clifford
    20. Kinematographer
    21. Manuel Cordova
    22. AirVuz
    23. Vasilis Analytis
    24. Milan Karakas
    25. Bernardo Bocayuva
    26. Russell 74 productions
    27. meandmymouth
    28. Brooke Trenchuk
    29. lilgucci rolex
    30. cristian david guevara
    32. Josh Withrow
    33. Hi Hai
    34. Virginija Sileikiene
    35. Daz Franklin
    36. Brooke Trenchuk
    37. Brooke Trenchuk
    38. Eddie Spassov
    39. Paul Morkunas
    40. Unboxing4fun Zheng
    41. YOOSHIP
    42. VampShadow
    43. Paul Stevens
    44. banana
    45. Gladeous

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