D.R.O.N.E. Battle and Map Creation05:01

please read the description
————-down here————-

(FYI this is not sponsored, but I was given this demo for free to show off on my channel)

Also note that there is not damage implemented in the demo, so that’s why you don’t see any exploding drones in the footage.

PsyTranceMenu – DRONE (used with permission by the devs)

What you see in this video is an exclusive demo i’ve had the pleasure to be given to me to show off. Everything in this video is made ingame.
The demo is not yet available for the public, but they will open a kickstarter soon where you can pledge and then get access to it.
You will be able to build your own drones aswell when the game is released.

If you want to know what I am able to do with the demo itself here is a list of the features it has:
• Flying and shooting
• Recording and cinematic camera
• Detailed map editing with weather conditions
• Several premade drones

If you have any specific ideas for more drone videos let me know, I am planning on making a race map and record it aswell.

Here is a link to the DRONE discord server where the devs are present aswell: https://discord.gg/3sfkutB

Patreon page
• https://www.patreon.com/Gromek999

Discord server:
• https://discord.gg/ZnhPJtn

Go follow me on Twitter:

Join my Steam group for instant announcements on videos, or ask me anything:
• http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Gromek999

Send me any email here:
• Gromek999@hotmail.com

Watermark by StepShy
• Discord – StepShy#9964
• Steam – http://steamcommunity.com/id/stepshy/

Profile picture background by Awesomecat
• Steam – http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119123927/

Fun fact: Drones? drones.

Special thanks to my 3$+ Patreon donaters: M3M3S 4 LI43 and 5oClock

    1. Gromek999
    2. LOLWTF673
    3. Remor Gamer
    4. Dank Lord
    5. Becky Liu
    6. Kelacktrick
    7. CMI
    8. Dave Lee
    9. Dorito TOONS
    10. L4nc34L0t
    11. S.W.A.T Team
    12. Kiing Vuong
    13. Mike Daniel Espeja
    14. Kingaffa
    15. Chen Hao Hui
    16. Trollemaic
    17. Skrub4Lyfe
    18. Flying T-rex
    19. utku hacısalihoğlu
    20. TheDutch Derp

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