SJRC S30W MAX Altitude06:42

SJRC S30W Max Altitude

This was a test flight of my s30w to check the geofence feature in the app, it has a slider which can be used to alter the max altitude, the maximum setting is 120m, which is just short of the 400ft altitude allowed here under the current regulations. I don’t usually fly this high, I don’t recommend flying this high but if you do, please fly safely and remember you are responsible for your flight and any damage or injury your drone causes.
I use Airmap For Drones, an app which clearly shows any restricted airspace or hazards, I also do basic safety checks on my quadcopter, I make sure I don’t fly over people, property or anywhere near cars or other aircraft!! Limiting any risk is essential for safe flying!

    1. Phil's Drone Zone
    2. JD Quad
    3. Youssef Nam
    4. gadgetman 404

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