Consi and Open Finals Downhill Skateboarding at IDF Verdicchio Race 2018 – Drone and GoPro footage06:52

Open final starts at @3:28

Verdicchio Race is a downhill skateboarding race in Poggio Cupro, Cupramontana, Italy.

This was one of our most challenging flights for the 2018 edition of Verdicchio Race IDF World Cup. We were livestreaming, riders went down fast, and there was no place for mistakes. The coordination between pilot and camera operator had to be absolute and smooth. There were no second takes, and we didn’t want to disappoint the audience.
We are very happy with the outcome, the drone was very responsive, we had good connection from start to finish in every run, and we felt very much synchronized for this demanding and technical experience.

Watch all the livestreams, or follow us on our fb page:

Drone: DJI Inspire 2 camera: X5S with 45mm lens. Livestream on facebook with Crystalsky.
Drone Pilot: Yvon Labarthe
Camera Operator: Ana Lowry

Consi Final Open Downhill Skateboard
1st place – Morgan Owens ??
2nd place – Tristan Cardillo
3rd place – Lucas Poulain ??
4th place – Daniel Minsky ??

Open Downhill Skateboard
1st place – Thiago Gomes Lessa ??
2nd place – Daniel Engel ??
3rd place – Pepe Laporte ??
4th place – Emily Pross ??

#flyingfocus #verdicchiorace #idf #idfracing #downhill #skateboarding #worldcup #drone #inspire2 #dji #aerial #livestream

    1. Gabriel Romero
    2. cogmission1
    3. Inline Downhill Vancouver
    4. Leonardo Di Renzo

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