NEVER DO THIS with your drone07:12

NEVER DO THIS with your drone

I took my DJI spark for a flight above the clouds at high altitude…. erm, no I didn’t! There was a thick but shallow fog blanket over Edinburgh. I thought I’d sneak above for a look, but the drone downward facing sensors stopped the descent once it hit the fog blanket, and i almost ran out of battery. Still, DJI makes incredible drones and this is by far and away my favourite piece of technology i’ve ever bought.

    1. BARENNES Augustin
    2. Dena B
    3. Mr X
    4. Kirsten Whitworth
    5. Bob Almendinger
    6. cbaileyuk
    7. Bill Lemon
    8. jnipper81
    9. bartuszaw
    10. James L
    11. cecilia P. Nordio Moughty
    12. Our New Normal
    13. paul HENDERSON
    14. George Zikmund
    15. dombrownyt
    16. Aaron Prinz
    18. Tech Hacks

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