DJI Drone Collides With Hot Air Balloon00:00

An unfortunate and unnecessarily epic encounter between a DJI Mavic Pro (piloted by someone who was unaware that he was “piloting” anything more than a toy), and an enormous bag of hot air.

RIP drone.

The remorseful letter by the drone pilot is a pretty good read, by the way. One highlight: “I never thought it would be difficult to avoid an 8-story slow-moving balloon.”

    1. MPK FPV
    2. David Hoffman
    5. Rum Zombie
    6. Jose Hernandez
    7. Idaho RCDad
    8. Michael Hare
    9. Flying Ragilein
    10. Air Born
    11. Air Born
    12. tfa8rva
    13. Q Speed Racer
    14. steve bewley
    15. TRUMP TARD
    16. Ken Heron
    17. Homefront
    18. rob wells

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