The Drone That Shoots Bullets #short00:00

Why gun-mounted drones are not too popular, is #NotWhatYouThink #NWYT #shorts

Legions – Jo Wandrini

Ukrainian Ministry of Defense
SONGAR Armed Drone System
US Department of Defense

Note: “The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.”

    1. @01_HD_DYNA
    2. @editingbasket9728
    3. @lostsoulsIII
    4. @Goggyegg
    5. @Ruhgtfo
    6. @crackthefoundation_
    7. @Krinkeilslol
    8. @JamesBrown-sr7tv
    9. @biswajitswain
    10. @TheCetarius
    11. @dennisjohnson6541
    12. @VladimirChibuckov

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