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Awesome GoPro HERO 3 HD Camera on RC DJI F450 Quadcopter drone, UAS, Aerial view, Black Ops UAV05:24

This sexy new GoPro Hero 3 was mounted on my radio controlled DJI F450 Quadcopter, drone, UAV, UAS using a DX7S Spektrum 2.4ghz RC transmitter. The quadcopter uses a Naza-M GPS system for auto-pilot control, return-to-home and course lock features. It is powered by a Gens Ace 5500 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery pack and a 5.8ghz FPV system installed as well. The Quadcopter has a 2-axis camera gimbal, using two Hitec servos.
After all this work and they finally come out with the new DJI Phantom…I am working on an idea to make a Black Ops video with this as well.

The view you see is the West Torrance, CA area at sunset on New Years Day. I was using the 960P setting out of the box. I should not say how high or what altitude it was flying. My guess is 200 to 300 feet. I flew it as far I can see it with out loosing sight. I used Cyberlink PowerDirector 10 Ultra for video editing.

Shot 100% on the new HERO3® camera from ‪.

The Wi-Fi enabled HERO3: Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro, ever. No expense was spared during its development, resulting in a GoPro that is 30% smaller, 25% lighter & 2X more powerful than previous models. New resolutions and frame-rates include 4Kp 15, 2.7kp 30, 1080p 60, 1440p 48, 960p 100, 720p 120 and 12MP burst photo capture at 30 fps. Yes, for real.

Sit back and enjoy the HERO3: Black Edition in all its glory. #GoPro
The GoPro HD Hero series are digital cameras that you can wear yourself or mount on your vehicles or surfboards so you can take your own action videos and photos. The portability, versatility and sheer durability of these digital wonders allow you to record most any activity you do yourself, hands free.

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Ultra is the World’s fastest consumer video editing software with 64-bit TrueVelocity™ 3 engine and multi-GPGPU acceleration, plus revolutionary content aware editing and 4K Ultra HD video support. All the speed and power you need to create exceptional videos.

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