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Blade 350 QX High Altitude 209:12

Blade 350 QX at EXTREME high altitude in stability mode with GoPro Hero 3 Black. This is my second high altitude flight posted and it is probably about as high as you can go with the stock battery to be able to return safely.

    1. Ed Floyd
    2. jglassman1122
    3. Ed Floyd
    4. charged flyer
    5. NMdesertracer
    6. Freddy Del Rosario
    7. Ed Floyd
    8. Mike Sarni
    9. tjonessc
    10. Ed Floyd
    11. Squadra2A
    12. Ed Floyd
    14. Tony Hopkinson
    15. christopher hammann
    16. Gian Volante
    17. ymmmmij
    18. Jon Whatley
    19. Jellybeancracker
    20. Jeff A
    21. Borivoje Bozinovic
    22. Tyler Green
    23. Tyler Green
    24. timothy davenport
    25. Fletcher White
    26. ToeCutter

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