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DJI F450 Quadcopter NAZA FPV flying, chasing cars and flying high!!05:10

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My TBS Discovery framed DJI F450 having a test flight to try out the UHF gear. Managed to get a great flight and chased some friends in their cars!!!

Got some good altitude and managed to have a quick flight nice n’ low over the fields.

The EZUHF worked faultless, that said I only went out 1km!!


    1. TeamUKFPV
    2. grbroussard
    3. DML1651
    4. absolut3zr0
    5. marian519
    6. Steve Kaminski
    7. TeamUKFPV
    8. TeamUKFPV
    9. marian519
    10. TeamUKFPV
    11. marian519
    12. Steve Young
    13. Patrick G
    14. marian519
    15. qeqoOu
    16. TeamUKFPV
    17. BEAR
    18. TeamUKFPV
    19. BEAR
    20. changosurfo
    21. TeamUKFPV
    22. Dronek Sistemak
    23. makebotics
    24. Lukas Bonny
    25. TeamUKFPV
    26. geoffbyron
    27. TeamUKFPV
    28. redfish0
    29. TeamUKFPV
    30. Eddie conway
    31. Rachel Fox
    32. sentino68
    33. BK Bootykrust

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