Please READ THIS Discription FIRST!
We made this video when using a stock antenna (see remote controller on the ground). no modification whatsoever. the result could be different. depending on where you are.
I made this video. just want to share before you decide to buy a DJI Phantom 3 Standard. you should watch this video before buy a Phantom 3 Standard.
I tried to push it as far and as high as possible.
Testing At 06:07PM. Low Light Condition!
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how did you get passed 500m!?!?!?! mine wont fucking let me its so annoying
Why did u fly so slowly up….
how do you get volume of the drone
i recorded several time i coudnt get sound
I were Bali last week
Nice place!
how do you put audio on the drone?
Really good video thanks
I thought DJI doesnt have audio?
Hi there. Neat video. I realize you don’t live in the USA, so you might not be bound to the same rules in USA as in Indonesia. Are you sure its a good idea to be flying so high and so far away? US FAA rules state to be below 400ft so you keep out of the way of manned aircraft. And being so high up, I’m not sure you are able to see a manned aircraft from that far away. Manned aircraft isn’t always airplanes, they could be helicopters, too!
kadek ku aing hahahahaha
very low fps. i don’t trust that!
I have Dji phantom 3 standard, do I need cellular data turned on to fly ? Coz I have some problem with my nexus 6p .. though I flown two times with any prob !!!
Bli, saya mau tanya.. kenapa di dji go saya tidak muncul detail map seperti di rekaman Bli ini..yg di sebelah kiri bawah layar.. klo punya Bli kan muncul itu detail map spt di google map..di saya blank, hanya muncul posisi drone saja.. terima kasih
how far did you travel out?
Try raising your altitude and go to a spot without power lines and you’ll get better results on distance. I got 15,000 feet on my distance test.
1300 feet is high enough and dangerous. CHEERS
Saya rasa ini adalah “range test” yg sebenarnya. Bukan mencari tempat sepi untuk menerbangkan drone agar mendapat range yg jauh. Tp melalukan test d area yg full interference. Good job
What is the name of the song?
im not try yet, but downgrading frimware version (to 1.5.7) is incrase drone range
how is the telementry being displayed
I can’t hear my drones camera ?
Why is the live view transmission so good. At my Phantom 3 Standard it has sometimes a delay about 15 seconds
Dear Kadek sudarwika: How do you do to get an image recording with the telemtry, camara functions and menues overlayed in the image?
do you know rule goverment 150m max height for fly drone !!!
good idea of review.
the picture quality looks no so good, it’s because youtube or it what ? thanks for the video
How bad is this, wtf, even with my bebop 1 and a 10$ range extender, I can fly 3 times that distance, wtf
question . says 3 standard which I have but heard your record sound at taking off. do all record sound?