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Flycker Quad High Altitude flight and fatal crash07:12

First high altitude 331 meters FPV flight with Flycker 550 Scorpion Quadcopter that was going real well until something unexpected happened in the end and I saw the quad flipping and falling to ground from 127 meters altitude. I could not find the quad and gave it up after 1 and half hour of searching. But to my surprise, a phone call next morning brought me to same place and I got my quad back. How this all happened? Who called? To get the full story click the links below.

Updates Added below: Found the Quad, read full storyLost my Newest Quadcopter today. Flew first time at 350 meters…

Posted by Ali Mansoor on Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Enjoy the DVR and GoPro footage. DVR had the last moments recorded. While GoPro lost the last moments due to impact.

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    1. waddac2
    2. Ali Mansoor
    3. Steve Kluver
    4. thafactor24
    5. thafactor24
    6. Quadrotor Dragonfly
    7. glenn ford
    8. Del Fam
    9. glenn ford
    10. Rizki Pratama
    11. Raptor50aus
    12. davedeja
    14. aeroseb1
    15. donphobos
    16. NELICOPTER (was da)
    17. Allan T
    18. simson99w
    19. Ibushi
    20. Redshadow71
    21. FastEasyLifeTips
    22. JUNIOR C. SF
    23. willdoryder
    24. alishanmao
    25. MaydayRC
    26. Angelo O. V.
    27. Altus Boren
    28. Johan Wepener
    29. The Tinfoil Tricorn
    31. Nishant Bhandari
    32. Yolo Lolo
    33. Master7Zer0
    34. Art Cox
    35. RCnStuff
    36. RobR386
    37. Ryan McDonald
    39. Spencer Boaz
    40. Christofer Quinn
    41. AncientGems
    42. Chockdee Kotkhen
    43. jsa2001
    44. Jan Hagenaar
    45. The Tinfoil Tricorn
    46. Johan Wepener
    47. Altus

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