Great value for money bargain flyer, included transmitter or APP control, great beginner quad, ready to fly just charge the battery and off you go. Surprisingly good WiFi FPV. Excellent night flyer.
X52HD quad: use checkout code “RC18OFF” and get it for only £31 ($42)
4 extra batteries & multi charger £10: or
Great video dude , i like it…keep it up
Sorry, thought I commented on this one. Have seen it many times on amazon and wondered how it was. Looks pretty good to me, for the price I’ve seen.
what dc motor does yhis use?
Is the xk x300w werth the extra money over this for a first camera drone
now that is a nice beginner drone I like it because it has altitude home easy to fly that is a real nice grown and not a bad price either awesome video my friend thank you for sharing it with all of us you take care and have a good day and I will see you after next video Until then keep your birds in the air and fly awesome job?
Great flight. I like the level of stability put into them. Well done and hope to see more clips from you.
Hey great flyer for the price but now every thing else looks like rubbish compared to the b3
Im talking toy grade not hobby grade ?
Pretty amazing for the price! Just apply your patented rubber band and foam mat fix for the jello and good to go. ?
syma x5c clone???
Great job, looks like a good one. Nice to see the green (or any) grass. Come on spring lol
Tigger’s RC Reviews: In all of your reviews, (and the many other YouTube RC Hobby reviewers), I’ve NEVER have seen a review for the Traxxas Aton quadcopter by a Texas, US company. Fancy doing a review?
That’s really quite good. Sounds, looks and flies like the old Symas but with nice extras. Can you switch the alt hold off when using the TX?.
A good beginners quad
Do not buy. Does not work
Looking for the motors x51-07, and x51-08 for the x52hd magic speed from fulaiying toys. If anyone can help on where to purchase