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Fulaiying Toys X52HD cheap beginner TX or APP control WiFi FPV Altitude Hold26:33

Great value for money bargain flyer, included transmitter or APP control, great beginner quad, ready to fly just charge the battery and off you go. Surprisingly good WiFi FPV. Excellent night flyer.
X52HD quad: https://goo.gl/T5x6Pm use checkout code “RC18OFF” and get it for only £31 ($42)
4 extra batteries & multi charger £10: https://goo.gl/mRVn7s or https://goo.gl/gzYZVN

    1. Andrew Trumata
    2. BadChizzle
    3. Alexandra Naval
    4. Dan Johnson
    5. Michael Mcreynolds
    6. Magick Bobby
    7. Adam Dead
    8. RD Simmers
    9. Alex Castignani
    10. G Bro
    11. Eugene S Smith
    12. didactylos4 diddy4

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