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JJRC H37 Elfie Cheapest Foldable, Altitude hold, Selfie drone quad, full In-depth review13:28

JJRC H37 “Elfie” here: supplied by Gearbest
Pros: Easy to carry around, Fun to fly, Altitude Hold, good range, works well with App.
Cons: Short flight times, awkward to connect battery, low video quality
Link to flight only footage:

    1. guidelineuk
    2. Mark “Quadbod” Westbrook
    3. Welder Nate
    4. Julian Humphrey
    5. ActionSam
    6. FancyBlack
    7. didactylos4 diddy4
    8. Izzak Walton (Hunting The River King)
    9. Diego M
    10. thra5herxb12s
    11. Tideur (Allez viens on est bien :D)
    12. gigasmb
    13. Bruno Flexer
    14. MHVuze
    15. JL B
    16. Michael Jin (Jinseng)
    17. AviorTV
    18. Jorinator
    19. John Wedrall
    20. mrphotomanTIM
    21. Ruudy L
    22. error error
    23. error error
    24. mrphotomanTIM
    25. steve cotterell
    26. meq Paolo
    27. rokketron

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