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JJRC X-12 Aurora (C-Fly Faith, Eachine EX4) 3 Axis Gimbal Long Distance Drone Flight Test Review00:00

This 3 axis gimbal GPS drone can fly over 900 meters and over 20 minutes flight time. Find it here:

– GPS GLONASS satellite positioning, enables automatic position hovering, and automatic return to home and landing on command, loss of signal, and low battery.
– Controller has a built-in 802.11ac WiFi amplifier and relay for extended FPV range. FPV range advertised at up to 1200 meters (I got 900 meters in my flight).
– Three axis gimbal for improved smoothness of in flight video. Gimbal includes up and down remote control.
– 1080p camera with 29.699 fps recording capability. Video is recorded to an onboard micro SD card to eliminate lag or frame dropping. And although the camera has a wide angled lens, there is no “fisheye” distortion effect.
– Brushless motors.
– Optical flow sensor for automatic hovering without use of GPS.
– Two ultrasonic belly sensors for steady altitude control.
– 11.4V 2400mah battery provides up to 25 minutes flight time (I got over 20 minutes).
– FPV video reception and advanced flight features of follow me and orbit position are available through either ENJOY-FLY app (Android here http://bit.ly/ENJOY-FLY or iOS here http://bit.ly/ENJOYFLY), or C-Fly app (Android here http://bit.ly/C-FLYapp or iOS here http://bit.ly/CFLYapp).

– Requires 802.11ac WiFi capability on your phone. Not everyone has this type of WiFi on their phone. Before purchasing, it is extremely important to first check that your phone is indeed capable of 802.11ac WiFi.
– Advertised with “4K” camera. However, this drone only is capable of taking 1080p video.
– The drone can not fly without using the app. The drone must be connected to the app for the motors to arm.
– App and drone firmware still has some bugs that need correcting. The drone was stuck in track mode during one of my test flights. Gimbal up and down control did not work properly while in track mode. Waypoint and Google map features also did not work.
– Gimbal was somewhat jerky while flying in Track mode.

Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.

This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor

“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.

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