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Syma X5UW FPV Real Time Camera Drone unboxing, review, flying test and Camera test00:00

Drone buy link —https://www.amazon.in/Mairah-Quadcopter-Altitude-Function-Control/dp/B07RC6MDN4/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?keywords=syma+x5sw+drone&qid=1578931102&sprefix=syma+x5uw&sr=8-7
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Music Credit :
Music No. 1:
Daylight by Jay Someday https://soundcloud.com/jaysomeday
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/daylight-jay-someday
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/FTTgw2cglKY
Music No. 2:
Track: TonyZ – Road So Far [NCN Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightNation
Watch: https://youtu.be/MVMIwIJtMdU
Stream/Download: https://NCN.lnk.to/RoadsoFar

    1. The Naughty Minds Of AG
    2. The Naughty Minds Of AG
    3. Pritvi Dhumal
    4. Pritvi Dhumal
    5. Anupam Santosh
    6. Anupam Santosh
    7. Ganesh Kale
    8. Rohan Masne
    9. Gitesh Heda
    10. Amit Kathole
    12. Shivraj Dasange
    13. Shivraj Dasange
    14. Shivraj Dasange
    15. roman fitness club
    18. Rakshith Raj
    19. horror club
    20. mk swag masoom Kaushal masoom Kaushal
    21. Mohan Sasmal
    22. Prity Sinha

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