It is different compared to the x8c syma control?
Oriol Duocastella Calvet
Somebody can explain me why when using the smart height hold the dron keep
moving to a side or another?? Shouldn’t it stay in the same place because
of the barometer??
Vedinimas Eu
The main question is: can we control this new X8H(C)(W)(G) with an old Syma
X8(C)(W)(G) transmitter? I see, it’s difficult to land these new SYMA
quadcopters with this new altitude hold function, the quadcopter is
P.S. Please change your operator as soon as possible 🙂 You made me sick
when I was watching this shaky video 🙂
Please film the inside of this quadcopter – mainboard. Thank you!
Jerry Berglund
Ok, now I have seen on 2 clips and together with the new X5HC/W series I
see a 2 things. The Altitude hold seems to be really good on this
Syma-quads, but Syma seems to have forgotten the landing-part. It seems to
be kinda hard to land and to stop the props after it landed. This would
really need a autoland function or at least a button to shut off the props
QuadCopter Uploads
What happens with a tx turn off while its hovering, I am afraid of getting
this and flying too far or losing signal for any reason and it hover in
same altitude but wind drift it away forever and ever. Can anyone test
vale el mando de control del syma x8c para el syma x8hc.??
espero respuestas
si vale el mando de control ,se puede comprar la placa electronica del syma
x8hc y ponerla al viejo modelo syma x8hc ,no?
PauL TerL
Am I wrong or title say X8HC and X8HG but thius is an X8HW?Anyway
orlando kloster
Only gold drone color????,,,,how works the throttle control??? Works smooth
? Little up joystick,,low power,and full joystick up increase max power?
Darren Watson
Seeing theres 3 models of the X8H. The C,G and W. Each use different
cameras. Well the X8H run any of the three cams on the same body or is
there something I’m missing. In other words. If I buy a HC can I use a HG
or HW cam on it?
Figuring Bog
what is the best?
НИКИТА Басаргин
НИКИТА Басаргин
N for Noah
saw u were an Amazon seller. u should try to get on Amazon prime
It is different compared to the x8c syma control?
Somebody can explain me why when using the smart height hold the dron keep
moving to a side or another?? Shouldn’t it stay in the same place because
of the barometer??
The main question is: can we control this new X8H(C)(W)(G) with an old Syma
X8(C)(W)(G) transmitter? I see, it’s difficult to land these new SYMA
quadcopters with this new altitude hold function, the quadcopter is
P.S. Please change your operator as soon as possible 🙂 You made me sick
when I was watching this shaky video 🙂
Please film the inside of this quadcopter – mainboard. Thank you!
Ok, now I have seen on 2 clips and together with the new X5HC/W series I
see a 2 things. The Altitude hold seems to be really good on this
Syma-quads, but Syma seems to have forgotten the landing-part. It seems to
be kinda hard to land and to stop the props after it landed. This would
really need a autoland function or at least a button to shut off the props
What happens with a tx turn off while its hovering, I am afraid of getting
this and flying too far or losing signal for any reason and it hover in
same altitude but wind drift it away forever and ever. Can anyone test
vale el mando de control del syma x8c para el syma x8hc.??
espero respuestas
si vale el mando de control ,se puede comprar la placa electronica del syma
x8hc y ponerla al viejo modelo syma x8hc ,no?
Am I wrong or title say X8HC and X8HG but thius is an X8HW?Anyway
Only gold drone color????,,,,how works the throttle control??? Works smooth
? Little up joystick,,low power,and full joystick up increase max power?
Seeing theres 3 models of the X8H. The C,G and W. Each use different
cameras. Well the X8H run any of the three cams on the same body or is
there something I’m missing. In other words. If I buy a HC can I use a HG
or HW cam on it?
what is the best?
saw u were an Amazon seller. u should try to get on Amazon prime
it is a dog
oh~your drawn’s to cool???