Another great ready to fly folding quad aimed at beginners with over 9 minute flight, 720p WiFi FPV system, can be flown with included transmitter or via great working APP.
Syma Z3:
Other similar drones worth a look:
Syma X56W:
Syma X25 Pro W:
Eachine E58:
Visuo XS809S HWG:
Hey nice review. Just want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. CX20 crashed, been out of the business for a while. Blue Skies.
Looks great for beginners Tigg. I hope ya finished that garden! ????
A really nice beginners drone by looks of it
as others have already noted the Syma ” tater-chip clip ” phone holder is something other toy-grade manufacturers should take note of, nothing like worrying about a phone popping out of a damn 100 dollar quad, Thanks for the videos, I watch ALL of them
Very stable indoor drone. Good one!
But of fun
Definitely one of Syma’s better efforts of late, but I don’t see the point in small drones folding and prefer the similarly equipped MJX X708P, which uses common 3.7v batteries with Losi connectors.
Nice review! (as always). I think all manufacturers should a smartphone holder like that. Clip style is a wonderful design! P.S. have you done any reviews of the propel star wars drones? I cant find any.
Nice thorough review. Your Home is lookin great inside and outside. CHEERS my dear friend ? ? ??
It’s like the Xk x300
Nice flight time. Also optical positioning looks to works very good. Looks nice beginner quad. (Y)
Nice review tigger! Optical flow looks a great idea for beginners
Nice explanation
Great video and your place is lovely what a garden well done enjoyed watching this video subscribed . ??
Very stable indoor drone. Good one!