Test flight with the Huajun W606-3, showing some forward flight, and altitude hold. Landing was done manually. This quad has the option to enable and disable altitude hold with a press on a transmitter button. Flies pretty smooth and stable, also quite fast for it’s size, but yaw rate is a bit slow.
Hello, I really appreciate you posting your video on the Huajun W606-3. You
did some nice flying with it!
I orderd one from GB a little while ago and it came in last week. So far
I’ve had 3 or 4 flights with it and haven’t had any mishaps with it. I’ve3
been taking it easy with it since I’ve heard some horror stories here on
youtube about it being defective etc etc. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones,
but I haven’t had any problems with the one I have. I’ve flown it manually
and via the altitude hold feature and really enjoy it thus far.
I’ve read the manual and find it a little bit difficult to uinderstand.
Possibly I read too much into your video, but did I see you switch to a
higher rate by pushing in the left stick? Please let me know. From what I
can tell it has only one speed/rate. If it had a higher rate I think it
could be more useful and fun to fly.
I didn’t buy mine to do stunts or flips with, but primarily as a camera
platform to shoot videos with and to do FPV type things (inspections of
roofs, antennas, and other objects) in real time, and kind of use it as a
video tool.
If you could answer my question about different speeds or rates I would
really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance for any assistance and
thanks again for posting your video. Simple, but very well done. BTW, I
really liked your super smooth landing of it at the end!
Very best regards,
Joe Cro