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Two Fatal Cessna 150 Airplane Crash Filmed From Cockpit05:35

Pilot and passenger are killed from ground impact after a low altitude stall from pitching up to clear power lines.

NTSB Report FTW94FA140
A video camera with a tape inside was recovered from the accident site. The video showed the progression of portions of the flight, including the last moments prior to impact. The tape contained audio as well as video recordings. The recording began at the beginning of the cassette. All of the following times were measured in minutes and seconds from the beginning of the tape. Between video tape time 00:00 and 01:37, the tape contained various shots of the ramp area at the Brownsville airport. There were two brief views of the accident airplane during this segment. Between 01:38 and 03:29, there were shots taken outside the right window. The airplane was at altitude in a level cruise attitude over flat terrain and engine noises could be heard in the background. At 03:29, the camera panned onto the instrument 03:58. From 03:58 until 04:22, there was footage of a grass fire on the ground, a decrease in power was heard, along with a comment “call fire department.”

Starting at 04:22 and running to 04:34, there was a view of a downwind approach to the fire shot from the right side of the airplane. Altitude at this time was estimated as being between 10 and 20 feet AGL. The engine noise decreased slightly during this sequence. Between 04:34 and 05:02, the tape showed the airplane banking left, still at low altitude and at 04:58, the comment “crop duster style” was heard. At 05:02, the airplane overflew a canal with brush on either side and an unidentifiable sound is heard from the bottom of the airplane.

At 05:03, the tape shows the airplane straight and level at low altitude over a field. At 05:08, a set of power lines is visible out the front windshield and at 05:14, the comment “under or over” is heard, followed at 05:16, by the comment “over.” Between 05:14 and 05:29, the camera showed a view of the airplane entering a steep pull up, followed by laughter and screaming. At 05:25, the stall warning horn activated and a left bank is discernable. This was followed by an expletive at 05:28, and another unintelligible comment at 05:29, and a vertical field of view of the cultivated field. The portion of the video tape that ran between 05:26 and 05:29, was damaged. At various points during the video, the engine instruments were visible. All of the engine power instruments were within high cruise power setting parameters throughout the taped sequences.

Similar scenario twenty years later:


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    2. flexairz
    3. syzygy
    4. deepjayu
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    8. Darth Zxian
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    10. Jimmy Morris
    11. Patrick Wilhelm
    12. Zach Lang
    13. tisoy909
    14. Rationalist ForChrist
    15. gmccord1970
    16. southerngospel
    17. wayne long
    18. TheRealEffluence
    19. Binary Watcher
    20. the_others
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    25. R. Michael Pitman
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