Surprised me right off the batt. Cool little hover Board / Airplane Drone.
Priced Right at $18.99 from
Click the link below to check it out. Happy Flying, Skip
pretty snazzy.?
nice dron like 9
How cool Skip! Thanks
Skip, what are the chances that the figure could hang from the bottom on a couple of kite or fishing strings? If it works, this thing could be a type of “power parachute”, which is right up my alley! Another test question, can you toss it in the air (motors off) and then start it in the air, will it recover? Best or luck and my regards, Dave
You guys had fun flying little surfer dude around there and what a nice peaceful place to be at., my surfer dude has a parachute and can stand on top transverse and surf or hang below and make like a parachute dude,.nice vid dude,s.