Yizhan IDrone I3h Altitude Hold Mode Drone Quadcopter Test Flight
#drone #idrone #quadcopter #test #amazing
Great little quad there bud, great vid Bryan
Seems to do it all fairly well for 7 mins and for a great price.
That looks a really nice little drone great test flight and loved the intro
Wot a cool drone fly’s very well,thanks for sharing the video.
Great flight review Bryan she looks like a winner
Intro change nice….fly’s good & just under 8min’s not bad……?
Bryan, you found a good cheap one this time. Looks like it flew just as good outside as it did inside.
nice drone bud.not bad for the price.i see what ya mean with that little light in the front of it.
That moon used to scare me as a kid. Lol love the pitch on that quad, be good with a fpv cam.
Great review looks very good nice one Bryan
nice video ….I got one like this off of Vipon few weeks back