Breaking all the rules with 100% safety! Today (day 2) I decided to give bando-flying a go. Well it’s not really bando because there are no buildings involved but it is outlaw flying at its worst as I find some kind of old assault course and do my best to destroy my quadcopter by crashing into anything that gets in my way.
Lol. That entire site is smaller than my front yard! You need to bring your outlaw fpv tour to Canada. We have stupid ass drone laws here too but good luck ever crossing paths with anyone who cares because theres Nothing here but open s p a c e!
Just stay away from “the peoples republic of toronto” and youd be fine.
Taking risks and kicking but, Nice job Bruce, you criminal LOL.
Nice one Bruce. On ya buddy
Love the fact you chose the constabularies K9 training course. Whats bando?
Us oldies still have a trick or two left In us eh Bruce? Starting to fly in some fun places now ( be it with a brushless whoop ) and really seeing how much fun it can be.
Bruce the bandoslayer !!
loving the new content, freedom & fun is what fpv is all about!
Long battery life
Epic fail ?!? Looked like fun to me
FYI, that is an extreme enduro motorcycle training course. Great place to fly too!
Go Sir Bruce! You’re just starting to get the hang of #fpvlife
I hope you have many of these good days ahead of you, thank you for everything you did for the community!
Kiwis Living On The Edge! Keep up the renegade flying, Bruce, you are always a joy to watch.
I second the notion of a tiny whoop blast in the Mayors yard.
Looks like you are enjoying all that wrecklessness ! Bloody awesome Bruce!!
The Quadfather does a bando.
Thanks bruce for all the educational content that has helped almost everyone in this hobby and don’t let the killjoys hold you back.
A really sad day for our hobby. In just reading the comments and listening to your rationale, I see more people encouraged to act out on their disrespect for the rules that let us all participate in this hobby. I know that you are doing this just to thumb your nose at the laws rather than do the difficult thing and lead us in being respectful of the laws and win over those who don’t fly and are afraid of us and our aircraft.
You. Are. Awesome Bruce. Bye the way, do you have a separate patron account for bail?
I think the reason they lock you out is for liability reasons. Should you enter their property illegal and get hurt, it is your fault, but they’d probably not feel very good about it either, hence the deterrents to try and keep you out.
Wow Xjet, truly inspiring. No one cooler in the game in my book. 420 from Colorado.
‘Bando’ had me puzzled, until you said, ‘Well, it’s not really abandoned, is it?’ Thanks Bruce.
That wasn’t a fail at all, your flying was good! Would love to see more stuff like this, it’s very inspirational. I bet you learned a ton about flying from just those couple days.
Very nice flight!
Wonderful music! Where do you find your selections?