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APM2.8 Common Problem – when i throttle this happens..00:38

Hey friends in this video we will build a Quadcopter and use APM 2.8 with GPS as Flight Controller.and when i fly this happens even compass calibration is done properly.

pls help and suggest if you have any idea about this..
thank you…

F450 Frame:- https://www.flyrobo.in/dji_f450_quadc
Landing Gear:- https://www.flyrobo.in/landing-gear-s

Motors and ESC
BLDC Motor:- https://www.flyrobo.in/a2212_1000kv_b
ESC:- https://www.flyrobo.in/30a_brushless_

Flight Controllers
APM 2.8:- https://www.flyrobo.in/ardupilot_apm_
KK 2.1.5:- https://www.flyrobo.in/kk2.1.5_lcd_fl
GPS:- https://www.flyrobo.in/gps_module_ubl

Transmitter and Receiver
Flysky Tx and Rx:- https://www.flyrobo.in/flysky_fs-i6_2

Battery and Charger
11.1V LIPO BATTERY:- https://www.flyrobo.in/zop-power-lipo
B3 CHARGER:- https://www.flyrobo.in/imax-b3-lipo-b
ZIP TIES:- http://amzn.to/2pnHZAO

Power Module:- https://www.flyrobo.in/apm_pixhawk_po
Anti Viabrator:- https://www.flyrobo.in/glass_fiber_sh
Gps Stand:- https://www.flyrobo.in/gps_folding_an
PROPELLERS:- https://www.flyrobo.in/1045_propeller


    1. chandan de
    2. ALI SROUR
    3. Gagan Deep
    4. Ranjana Umbarje
    5. Manjur Alam
    6. Anr Spoof
    7. Mohkam Mushir

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