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Bloody Goggles. I Crashed my drone into my head. Epic drone fail!04:42

Bloody Goggles. That’s what I got when you crashed my drone into my head. Epic drone fail! Got me 8-stitches in the ER.

The FPV camera focus on my rebuilt quadcopter went out during the flight. On bringing it back in to fix the fuzzy FPV vision, I misjudged how close I was to me. It looked like it was about 20 feet away. So being lazy, I tried to bring it closer so I wouldn’t have to walk far to pick it up. I should have dropped it and walked!

That’s my “Public Service Announcement.” If your quad’s FPV camera is out of focus, drop it and walk. Don’t be stupid and try to fly it in close to you!

I needed this like a hole in the head!

Thanks for laughing it off with me… Joel LikeCatcher.

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    2. Mr Gauss
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