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Brilliant Leaf Blower Snow Removal Tactic || ViralHog01:05

Occurred on January 29, 2019 / Cumberland, Maryland, USA

“We noticed the snow was extra powdery, so we decided to make an episode of ‘Patrick Shows You How’ showing how you could use a leaf-blower to clean your car in powdery snow. Patrick has a series of how to videos about dumb things.”

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    1. Нателла Шульга
    2. Gaming tech dutch
    3. Joshua/ el super nacho!
    4. Erik Comini
    5. Tenebris Lux
    6. Karan Sepanik
    7. smag61306
    8. john foy
    9. David Williams
    10. TRUMP ROCKS!!!
    11. ZSJ311
    12. John Smith
    13. Kevon Anderson
    14. jaymanxxxx

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