Loads of drone crashes and some funny footage of a first attempt of flying a DJI Phantom
Crash after crash these drones just keep crashing
Pt. 1 Compilation 2015
Category: Fail
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on the first video that’s why the phantom is unstable because he did not do the DJI dance
its not the drones it the stupid people flying them
whats the link to the wobbly drone guy?
this is an unofficial diagnosis but i think the guy with the wobbling drone might be having battery issues. mine had a similar problem not too long ago and i fixed it by taking the battery out and putting it back in
This is testament to reading ALL of the instructions in the manual…..and that some people should not try to fly at all. lol Nice vid.
Those sound effects are so pathetic.
2:04 The guy put on all the grey props on the black and grey screws. You are meant to put the black props on the black screws and the grey props on the grey screws *FACEPALMMMMMMM*