Drone Fail 2018 Compilation End of Year Recap is about spreading the High and Low moments that brought a smile , a cheer and laughter while editing the videos. We thank each and every single Youtube Creator / Channel for contributing their video and allowing us to create Drone Crash Compilations 2018.
We wish everyone a Happy New Year 2019 filled with health, good fortune, and the very best that life has to offer. 2019 Will surely be an exciting year for Drone Crashes as various projects are in the final stages of completion, we would also like to thank everyone who took the time to view, comment and who shared our compilations across the net. Thank You.
Drone Fail 2018 December Compilation Videos can be viewed along with other drone crashes within the previous compilations.
John’s massive rc crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfd0Mj7QDz8
Runaway drone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm-hg9x_bf0
High Wind Crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D52OVJF76sw
2nd flight of BRAND NEW Hubsan H109S (CRASH) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1etEByEWyQ
I CRASHED the DJI MAVIC DRONE!! + Horses & Otters WHAT IF vlog Ep. 2
Landing a DJI Mavic on a moving boat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7ZyNarJQYA
Drone crashes into building in Mexico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4K5k7-7sxM
Can a Fish crash a drone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-sn7QZ8GDs
I CRASHED my Drone!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIuCOpW7DGg
GOPRO KARMA DRONE CRASH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GJP6MMvErU
DRONE CRASH CAUGHT ON VIDEO while Ice Fishing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TasBCVVoBGs
GOPRO KARMA ACCIDENT AND INJURY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eNtSBKL2_U
I Drowned My DJI Mavic Air Drone (With Floaties) & It Still Flies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHBw8p8jTYg
Drone LOST at Sea! Crossing the EQUATOR! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep.192 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLxxS4GC0ps
3DR Solo – What the Heck The Solo Flips on Landing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_g6b1PUMdw
My First Drone Crash DJI Spark Fly more combo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9G9ylZWMMQ
Drone crashes, Quad driving and nasty food! Winter Camp 2018! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DycGN61UxLg
I CRASHED My Drone At Someone’s House. You WONT Believe How It Ended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N61Au-yLF4
DRONE CRASH with HAPPY END in the hill of Lycabettos in Athens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TIJbxUK9Xk
ASW 28 batery low ,,CRASH” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PksSysnlQE
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video January
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video February
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video March
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video April
Drone Crash Compilation 2018 High Definition Video May
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video July
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation High Definition Video August
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation Drone Fail Video September
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation Drone Fail Video October
Drone Fail Crash 2018 Compilation Drone Fails November
Subscribe to Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG5ZFimVS7YZ5kkpcN4kSeQ?sub_confirmation=1
A reupload was required as there seemed to be an error in the timing of frames and audio.
16:48… omg ?
At 13:12, this is why you don’t set RTH at current altitude, set it to max legal height and make sure that max height is higher than everything around you.
I have drone insurance from State farm and if you fly i suggest you get it. I have vids up on my channel about my crash and the insurance. Check it out, it definetly helped out and paid for my phantom 4 pro crash!!???
vortex ring state
This day and age it should be very hard to lose or crash a mavic
The first videoclip…things what happen, when you don’t know how your drone works
Btw…a review from dustin. Nice
This is exactly what suppose to happen when a bunch of people with no knowledge of flying fly drones, and then on top they go buy cheap drones from eBay and expect miracles…lol Even the most experience flyers like me go through so many checks before you fly these things and they can still crash. Drones are NOT toys, unfortunately they are so cheap now, every idiot has access to them..
The floating mavic air demonstration is funny… The inevitability of a swim, that is!
“Play stupid games, win stupid prises” is such big theme in these. …
It’s always a good idea to fly drones next to babies and kittens, and especially under chandeliers, always fly backwards. Make sure you have a backup selfie cam
Money doesn’t buy skill…
Why tf are some of those drones even recording audio..?
This is why I fly Airplanes
Only a STUPID SCHMUCK flies this shit over SALT WATER!
IDIOTS with drone fly from A BOAT…deserve
Really why the guy hit her in the arm that’s like a girl withe like blood that man’s fault
A drone for aquatic environment should float
10:19 That my friend is called prop wash. (VRS) That had EVERYTHING to do with you. That is what happens when you descend straight down into your own turbulent air too quickly. To get out of it, go ANY LATERAL direction. The hubsan took that impact like a CHAMP tho.
9:44 When you have no idea how to get your drone out of VRS…
wow the hard rock casino guy got it good, looked like a crime scene
Just don’t buy a hubson. Don’t be an idiot. Get a DJI. Get State Farm. Done .
16:22 Swim with the fishes!
I turned sport mode on which means if I’m not careful I can crash it…. instantly precedes to fly backwards full speed into a tree lol.
We all know how women drive cars ….. the question is should they be banned from flying drones?
And driving cars!
Dear God, taking an expensive drone out on the ocean during a windy day. That’s got to be the ballsiest thing a drone operator could do.
Like ?
Hilarious. Nice videos man. I absolutely love and enjoy your channel. Good job and well done. Nicely done. Keep those good videos coming. I just subscribe to your channel and would appreciate it if you subscribe to my YouTube channel as well.
Thanks for all you do and please keep flying.
The idiot just stood there while the drone flew towards the woman and children.Real brave you are numb nuts!! I hope see kicked your butt for being a ass!
Every single one of these people shouldn’t own a drone.
Not one.
5.15 had me crying lol
I want to see the continuation of the clip towards the end when he flys it into his wife child and baby. To see her reaction.
I think if I get an expensive one. I’d open it up and spray the shit out of it with neverwet
4:21 the whole time I’m like … why… no… no… why… AHHH
Idiots with money
Brazil – DJI car
Noticed the majority of these drones are not DJI drones. This video is kinda reason enough to only buy DJI.
5:13 was mainly the guy, but also the products fault… could’ve been resolved with some frontal counter weights…
17:25 she lost her 3rd baby..
3:04 I can never get use to landing a drone on a moving boat no matter how many times I do it.
17:11 Divorce in 3….2….1…
Here’s mine, but luckily I got it replaced via DJI care refresh.
To the peeps on the boat….dahhhhhhhh…I like drone.. and I’m quite sensitive about it…
3:00 hmmm … *STOP THE FCKING BOAT !!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS*
Idiots like this that buy DJi drones with no idea how to fly will ruin it for everyone. They will be able to pass laws and restrictions so easy.
a lot of Retards….
16:32 OUCH!
These guys can’t fly without their DJI training wheels.
Old videos
Whats with these people flying into trees and then acting like they have no idea how it happened. Your stupid little thumbs told it where to go and you flew it directly into a tree. That’s like wrecking your car and saying omg guys my car drove itself into a tree yesterday and I have no idea how it happened. Don’t act stupid guys. Screw up, own it and get better. Keep flying guys.
??Don’t know why but i laughed the most at the last one.
17:12 the second he knew he fucked up. Personally if I was the woman in that video and saw this after I would beat his ass for not even trying to not hit her and her kid. He could have tried a few differant things… self sacrafice by slapping the drone down most likely causing bloody hand… drone sacrafice straight down into ground.. heck he didnt even pull up or turn.
16:34 jets shoot down the drone
Anybody else notice how the ones that had catastrophic midair failures (not direct user errors) werent DJI? Reason why I would only buy DJI.. they aren’t perfect but pretty close!
Thats why fly ur drone manually
4:19 you were asking for it m8
5 15 throw it in some rice
1 Min Mark
Literally 90% of these are human errors
They are just toys, so these idiots just wreck them out of stupidity. The blades on my quad are 15in…and when you pay serious money for something, you tend not to go out and screw it up. My blades cost what those mav’s do…but then again, I also haul around a dslr…not a gopro…
you could cut these videos down a lottttttt
5:12 alto pelotudo
11:30 What a moron. This is why we can’t have nice things.
9.27…. Apple watch interference
I think there should be insurance companies for expensive drones.
and thats why you dont catch a drone with your hand…
How many people love drone that play station 4
Man they should try dji care refresh
Karen crashed her drone
Ur treating mavics like they are disposable
Nossa! Olha o que aconteceu com o drone karma Gopro!
For the first one, At least use the protecter, thats one of the mavics and they always come with a guard, bruh
1:14 this guy seems happy that he crashed his drone lol.
100% operator error