Drone Crash Fail 2019 Compilation includes DJI Inspire 1, Mavic Pro Zoom, Drone Crash into Tractor Driver, Parrot Anafi, DJI Phantom 4, DJI Phantom 3 with various other drone camera models.
Drone Fails 2019, Crash Compilation June
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Crashed my Mavic Air while NOT in sport mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-uDjkQeMKw
Bang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F19L35MwsqQ
DJI Inspire crashes on Hubsan Zino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3nXimUva5g
Drone Crashed While Chasing Polaris General 1000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG7fSx9a1GA
Crash Dji mavic pro drones. Крейсер аврора. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJcRW1ChWe8
DJI MAVIC 2 Fatal Crash beware of Power Lines! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc4o8JGf9bM
DJI Mavic Pro Crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmXPGXgMWQY
DJI SPARK Drone water crash, in a River. Fixing it! Some aerial video of the dunk at a Park Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V3kYD8sWCQ
Drone Crash – Skydio R1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32rUHc5qhfo
Drone Crash/ DJI VS COW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5mLTy5v_2g
Drone Fails 2019 Crash Mavic 2 Zoom Italy – Incidente con il drone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXFuBKgQDLU
I crashed my DJI Mavic pro 2 in THE FACE!! (Epic DRONE CRASH) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6I42k00G74
DJI mavic pro II crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc0v1ms4UPM
Fly less – Crash more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QreUbEJiNQ
Gotta break a drone in 10 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC7LqtWAiJI
Drone Failure Crash! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kgmN_IS9gQ
I crashed my Mavic 2 – Never trust DJI Mavic 2 sensors! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw9NMzwyLqM
Je crash mon DJI Mavic Platinum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKMaqM7fQw0
Posh choca drone en Mazatlan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1KQdGy1S9M
Drone Crash 2019 Compilation Youtube Playlist
Drone Crash 2018 Compilation Year Youtube Playlist
Youtube Channel Page
Have fun and always obey rules and regulations when ever flying
I saw that first clip on Ken Heron’s live show.
Wow Very good ! Kkkkk
Very nice!
hope the guy with the bleeding nose its okay right now..
ps. what drone was that?? a mavic 2??
Video novooo
С гоночными интересно. А как мавик в ветки медленно залетает – нет )
Guy with the bleeding nose..your weren’t paying attention..don’t blame the tractor…I hope the scar is a reminder of distraction..eyes on the drone…and yeah!!! What drone did this to you
Great video! I certainly uploaded some firework recordings taken by drone! Would be great if someone would check my stuff out and give me some feedback and a sub!
The music ruined the whole vid?
They’re barely moving….how do they manage to crash like that? I mean, i could understand if they were flying 80 mph.
It looks like the majority of these crashes are from people who rely on DJI’s object avoidance system as some sort of navigational aid, rather than a last second failsafe against collisions.
What the f…!
A drone can’t still fly with 3 propellers?
Kkkk o primeiro vídeo foi Ilário
00:01 Этот парень мой чемпион! Он великолепен и очень умён!!!
7:03min : bye bye my gimbal & 1 arm… 380€ repairs, i’m really stupid lol :-/
Good compilation bro’
What is the music in the tractor guy clip, I’ve heard it before and it’s annoying me that I can’t remember what it is?
1:02 & 6:14 Everytime I see freestyle quads get lumped together with DJI quads I shake my head. One requires actual skill to fly and crashing is common. The other is just plain stupidity like the first scene.
Idiots guide to trees
Great footage.
Great Video man! lol glad I made it in 5:45 to 6:15 and thumbnail… Full video on my channel!
Thanks for sharing!
Que porrada da pega!
2:23 That is one angry inspire, defending it’s territory.
your drone crashed because you didn’t know how to fly it…. also that tree was in the way
I don’t know how to send in a drone crash so just go to my channel and watch the “what are the chances video” hopefully this isn’t a spam comment. I’m not trying to promote my channel but it makes me laugh when someone’s laughs at my video
I always look forward to these! Thank you for compiling them.
Some of the freestyle quads seem to still run naze32 by the way they fly lol
If you do one again I have a video for you
@6:56 merda
The first one is epic
1 foi punck
Amazing how much shit gets in the way
what is the last song
When I observe someone sharing things about inspiration, I consistently reach out and say hello. How long have you been designing videos?
Good video
Poor audio
Puts o drone voa sozinho e mesmo assim eles batem!
Fly safe. My friend
At the height of some of these wood shots, it would be better to just use a selfie stick and walk with a sports cam
Here in my crash. Share please
You should add like “Number 5 and then the name of the drone. It would be easier to realize what drone is crashing
hahahaha, in your…ehm, mine own face …what a dumb ass hahahaha
This video includes DJI Inspire drone accident while stringing of pilot cable in transmission line in hilly forest area.DJI Inspire perform well in pilot cable stringing work.its very useful in very hilly terrain which we cant access by manually.in our case there are many trees,crops and covered by forest area.there for we use low cost drone to stringing 2 mm pilot cable.in this video shows DJI inspire fails to complete the task due to loss of Signals in hilly terrain and how we managed to secure the DJI inspire…amazing experiment done..superscribe our videos
Super bien ! ?????
+ 1 abonné !
Crashed my Mavic 2 in to a crane today, I have the footage if anyone is interested.
Meee at 6:15 ? That one was actually super soft ?
So many idiots on the remote… ?
My drone was 700 Canadian dollars and no collision avoidance systems… never crashed
How does an individual submit a video?
I have a video for you on my channel. Add it to one of your videos. It’s called black drone down I filmed it today when my prop gave out around a thousand feet
I have a video for you on my channel. Add it to one of your videos. It’s called black drone down I filmed it today when my prop gave out around a thousand feet
I’ve had my fair share of crashes, but it’s kinda unfair to lump FPV racing/freestyle quad crashes in with the DJI camera platforms… racing/freestyle quads are always gonna crash. That’s what they do when flown as they’re supposed to be flown! If you don’t crash, you’re not flying fast enough or close enough to objects! But camera drones… they’re not supposed to be flown near anything… that’s why they have all those sensors to stop them getting close to anything.
7:41 When you’re using dji but want to fpv
please, song name at 5:00 ?
I also crush my drone i hope you will see the footage in my youtube channel in here
Your compilations are awesome. You must spend alot of time finding the appropriate music for each clip and then cutting to size. One small request, when you have a clip where the drone crashes into water, could you let it run on a bit? I have seen incredible footage where the marine life comes to investigate. Thanks.
Good One !!
Is no one spotting these guys? I mean fly sideways only using your forward facing camera… Palm on face.
Zoom on the first ne
Controlled flight into terrain…. so the lesson learned is know where your aircraft is and don’t focus on the transmitted video.
Trees and powerlines
Best places to fly to
How I send to you for my drone crash video
0:15 thats really stupid sir ..hhahahhaha
4:08 rip
1st guy I’m sorry but that’s really dumb plus your already standing on the hood of a damn tractor why!?!? Nice gash dummy.
Great video,awesome footage, I subscribed
A lot of the dji crashes would have been avoided if they kept the obstacle avoidance on or flew at a safe altitude
Why no new vids
We got a crash on our Channel too. Please put it in next compilation
I’m getting my lesson, never fly drone indoors now my gimbal broken
0:36 I have to know. Is that the new Tesla?
*This channel’s subscriber count is 107K if anyone was wondering*
0:28 No, you idiot! Always keep your drone in sight.
Song at 321?
Now on Drone World Television, you can see a DJI Inspire warding off a predator from her nest with her newly hatched DJI Tellos. Nature is a magnificent spectacle :-))
Ouch. The opening clip was really devastating. Sorry.
Why haven’t you made anymore of these!!!?
I was scared at 3.38
How do these people even tie their shoes?
As always. You can buy it – but learn to fly it…..and check the local laws..99% of the “Buyers” dont now ANYTHING about piloting drones….so they fly as idiots and hit themselfes…lol
when new videos are available sorry for the mistakes I write through the translator
very nice content!
Still alive ?
Drone lovers be alike: MY LIFE IS TRASHHHHHHHH