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Hey Everyone DRONE FAILS CLOSE CALLS AND CRASHES happen to all drone pilots sometimes, here are ours from 2017.

Drones are one of the greatest pieces of modern technology, for Explorers they have added a whole new realm of pictures and video we can capture for you. Flying a drone is fun most of the time but then there are the bad days too. Wind, malfunctions, trees, birds, and yes pilot error can make flying a drone very stressful some days,,,,,,like these……
Thank you for Exploring with us, stay curious everyone and if you enjoy our Explores please consider hitting the Subscribe and Bell icons for much much more to come.

    1. Exploring With Ajusta Vlogs
    2. rogue exploration
    3. Family of Fun
    4. Carrie and Mark's Adventures
    5. MTRUNK 85
    6. Urban Kiwiana
    7. Majestic Hive
    8. Big drone flyer77

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