See the final video from the shoot here
See what full version of the video here
See their wedding video here
Ok so here’s the story. This was shot using a DJI phantom and a gopro camera. This was two days before the wedding at their bridal shoot. This happened towards the beginning. I had done one successful fly by and i brought it around for another pass to make sure it was smooth. I underestimated the lift time and it hit the groom on the side of the face. He had a cut on his cheek and and the side of his head. I felt horrible. Luckily the bride and groom were able to laugh about it after and we continued the shoot. At the request of the bride and groom I put the video online. All though it sucks that this happened. I have decided to own up to what I did, instead of try to hide it from the world.
The bride is also a photographer.
check out some of her work here.
The phantom menace strikes back!
stop saying its fake and its mannequins you useless trolls.
Drone Hits Groom // Full Video // The Aftermath // Epic Fail
OH the memories….!@@#$%%##
Have you seen this viral wedding video?
umm yeah i just watch watched it dude lol!
Hey man, I think you need a haircut, oh wait let me give you one!
Quadcopter fail
vurdu gol oldu
My sister bought me one of these for Christmas. 5 minutes out of the box
and I flew it into my face. Yay for a bloody Christmas!
eheh see the rest of the videos for some insight
I know im a cruel person so its probably why I find this hysterical. I just
had to share it.
It’s a shame there’s not an image of the groom’s face at *(and just after)*
the moment of impact.
Yes I agree, It would of made all more the funnier.
Why the hell would you fly at people so fast? It doesn’t matter if you’re
after photos or video, at that speed what you’ll get is going to be shite.
RT Podcast!
Rooster Teeth brought me here.
better off to start high then slowly bring it down…
check my first video…
phantom 2 aerial footage with gopro4 black
Ty Blaine from RT:)
How NOT to take wedding videos.
that will teach you to get married!
Drone Quadcopter hits groom in the head // Epic Fail:
haha omgosh lol
Drones the next big thing in wedding photography?
This is a setup too – i blew up this drone in flight –
That’s what happens when you hire a Craigslist Wedding Videographer that
claims to be the next Steven Spielberg durrrp.
Is the operator wearing boardshorts at a wedding? Wow. Professional
Незабываемая свадьба)))
Boom Head shot.
at the beginning of the video it’s obvious that you don’t know how to fly that drone. idiot
Oh my goodness Davey, this is so funny!! I went back and was watching your first vlogs and came across one where you mention this, and had to find it!! @daveyorgill @aprilanddavey
Well sometimes you fuck up…in a hilarious fashion. Good things they were cool about it.
That boy ain’t right I tell ya what.
now they know what it’s like to live in Pakistan
Wow, has this person ever flown a drone? I can’t believe how many people can screw up such a simple task.
Well sometimes you fuck up…in a hilarious fashion. Good things they were cool about it.