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Drone Quadcopter hits groom in the head // Epic Fail00:47

See the final video from the shoot here http://youtu.be/ow-moWZQsoQ
See what full version of the video here http://youtu.be/7DetkJRv_YQ
See their wedding video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS_zc3LZfBQ
Ok so here’s the story. This was shot using a DJI phantom and a gopro camera. This was two days before the wedding at their bridal shoot. This happened towards the beginning. I had done one successful fly by and i brought it around for another pass to make sure it was smooth. I underestimated the lift time and it hit the groom on the side of the face. He had a cut on his cheek and and the side of his head. I felt horrible. Luckily the bride and groom were able to laugh about it after and we continued the shoot. At the request of the bride and groom I put the video online. All though it sucks that this happened. I have decided to own up to what I did, instead of try to hide it from the world.

The bride is also a photographer.
check out some of her work here.

    1. Rolf T
    2. lez briddon
    3. Zeljko Soletic
    4. Damien Jourdan
    5. Cheng Yu Tsai
    6. Officiant Guy
    7. Linnea Lenkus Fine Art Portrait Studios
    8. Miguel Miller
    9. 60 Second Reviews
    10. MrAlexs82
    11. Anson Koh
    12. Gokhan Demirci
    13. Charles Meade
    14. Fernando Miguel
    15. Spencer Hughes-Morris
    16. Sasch Mayer
    17. Spencer Hughes-Morris
    18. Sasch Mayer
    19. Ethan Wendt
    20. Bradley Henderson
    21. BrokenOarMedia
    22. Flyin Phantom
    23. guck uou
    24. Randy Williams
    25. BarryAir
    26. Stefano Brunoro Videomaker
    27. Fred Weemaes
    28. Robert Du Bois
    29. Rodney way
    30. mogu pu
    31. CaptureYouVideo
    32. Josh furby
    33. EASkateTV
    34. SunBoy
    35. desperados34600
    36. GRINTECH
    37. I like Piss
    38. Selfloathing is a sIgn of sanity.
    39. Ray Wright
    40. Scarab
    41. Aidan Kelly
    42. Jay Vantol
    43. Nyckel

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