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How to setup INAV on a 5″ quad – Radio and Flight Modes08:49

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Previous episodes

The most popular class of mini-quads are 5-inch quads. Majority of them are driven by Betaflight. And this is fine. Sometimes, pilots would like to try how it feels like to have a full navigation and GPS support. For, I don’t know, long range or something. So, here is the first episode of “How to setup INAV on a 5″ quad” series.

In this episode:
– Radio page setup
– Expo and yaw expo
– Flight modes
– Arming with a switch
– 3D PosHold and AltHold
– extra tips and tricks

Next episode https://youtu.be/50EQiAiG2hU

    1. LordGryllwotth
    2. MC's Creations
    3. JMBB- FPV
    4. daniel Metcalfe
    5. Peter Hancox
    6. EnglishTurbines
    7. Paco_bl

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