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Line Of Sight Maiden Flights – EMAX Babyhawk Micro FPV Racing Drone05:38

This video includes the Line Of Sight Maiden Flights for my new EMAX Babyhawk Micro 2S Brushless FPV Racing Drone. I flew it around a small nearby field with my GF on the camera testing out two dramatically different batteries.

I got the little beast from Banggood.com and you can too using this link: hhttp://tinyurl.com/yddvyujk

Here is the link to JohnVHRC’s Channel. He has a ton of RC experience with everything from RC Planes to RC Boats: https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnVH541

Here are my review notes for this Micro FPV Drone:

– The camera is set at an upward angle for fast FPV flight
– It cames with a 2S brushless setup pre-installed
– The price point is very reasonable price
– PNP and BNF versions are available
– It accepts and flies well with a wide range of battery options
– You can optimize it in Betaflight

– It requires soldering in a small space with the PNP version
– You have to setup and arm it in Betaflight

It is a bit different than most of my other RC Quadcopters, RC Multirotors, or RC Drones. This doesn’t come RTF with its own radio and it it without a doubt hobby grade. I got the PNP version and use it with my Spektrum DX6. The receiver I am using is the SPM4648 DSMX FPV Racing Serial Receiver, which had to be soldered onto the Femto F3 FlightController/PDB board.

I hope to have some FPV Maiden flight footage soon. It is a nice little FPV flyer, so I hope to have some DVR and LOS footage of my FPV flying very soon.

It does comes in a BNF version like the Blade Torrent 110 and Blade Nano QX2 FPV, but this is the PNP version.

This is how Banggood.com describes this powerful little RC Quad:

Brand: EMAX
Item name: EMAX Babyhawk 85mm Micro Brushless FPV Racer
All-in-One Camera and VTX 25MW CMOS
Femto F3 FlightController/PDB board with built-in 5v 3A regulator with LC Filter
Bullet 6A BLHeli_S Plug-In ESCs
1104 5000kv Brushless Motor
2.3″ Propellers
85mm Molded PC Plastic Body/Frame
85mm Molded PC Plastic Motor Guards

Babyhawk + 2.3″ Propellers = 60g
Babyhawk + 2.3″ Propellers + Motor Guards = 68g
Babyhawk + 2.3″ Propellers + 2S 300mah lipo = 78g
Babyhawk + 2.3″ Propellers + Motor Guards + 2S 300mah lipo = 86g

(NOTE:Just need pwm, ppm, sbus ready Radio Receiver to make PNP fly)

Package included:

BNF (Bind-N-Fly) Combo
-EMAX 2s 300mah 35c Battery
-EMAX Frsky Receiver
-All-in-One Camera and VTX 25MW CMOS
-Femto F3 FlightController/PDB board with built-in 5v 3A regulator with LC Filter
-Bullet 6A BLHeli_S Plug-In ESCs
-1104 5000kv Brushless Motor
-2.3″ Propellers
-85mm Molded PC Plastic Body/Frame
-85mm Molded PC Plastic Motor Guards
-Radio Receiver (Protocols tbd)
-Radio Transmitter (Protocols tbd)
-FPV Receiver/Goggles

PNP (Plug-n-Play) Combo
-All-in-One Camera and VTX 25MW CMOS
-Femto F3 FlightController/PDB board with built-in 5v 3A regulator with LC Filter
-Bullet 6A BLHeli_S Plug-In ESCs
-1104 5000kv Brushless Motor
-2.3″ Propellers
-85mm Molded PC Plastic Body/Frame
-85mm Molded PC Plastic Motor Guards

    1. JohnVHRC
    2. Frequent Flyer RC
    3. RCANTs

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