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My €1500 quadcopter runs out of battery ABOVE the sea Can I still save it?21:16

NEW!!! Phantom 4 Advanced: https://goo.gl/DsCPUO

This flight was for showing my son and a friend how it is to fly the Phantom 4. I did not intend to publish it. Out of habit I recorded the screen and the Phantom camera.
We headed for a huge ship in the distance. Just like in the previous flight where I filmed the seals, everything was going really well. But on the way back we had a very strong head wind… and I was running out of battery!


MyTWITTER: www.twitter/NeverMindYurOwn
My FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/nevermindyourown/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/nevermindyourown/
FLIGHTLOG: http://healthydrones.com/main?share=sWuCaP

Equipment used:
* Phantom 4 (buy your own Phantom/Mavic here: http://click.dji.com/AHr7a0UTVSpQYE1pJA?pm=link) and support my channel
* HDMI module
* ITE DBS02 antenna; but I upgraded to fpvlr.com now
* Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
* Fatshark Dominator V3 goggles
* ADV screen recorder
* Gopro Hero 2 and 3

    1. AnneHardingBondiJct
    2. ChancetheCanine
    3. Hery Bonilla
    4. Ben Franklin
    5. Morten Berg
    6. Benito Juarez Rodriguez
    7. samljer
    8. Lars van der spoel
    9. Aapo
    10. Jenger123
    11. Gu Si
    12. lofi radio
    13. lofi radio
    14. Snagglepuss1952

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