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STAR WARS RC ARC-170 STARFIGHTER EDF Taxi test [4k]03:42

#rcstarwars #starfighter #rcdemondriver
Hi There Star Wars Fans Chris here, today I bring to you the EDF & Taxi test of my New scratch-built RC ARC-170 Star fighter from attack of the clones And the other day I tested out her two 68mm EDF’s powered by two 14 Volt 4 cell Lipos and testing her nose-gear steering, next s her maiden flight, enjoy!

    1. PatBALEX
    2. 福丸大福
    3. Tel H
    4. River
    5. 1966Hemi426
    6. David Puissegur
    7. BlackPixxelDE
    8. Jackson Baynes
    9. NitroJunkie626
    10. clhuke64
    11. Scott Thompson
    12. ThatOneGuy
    13. sparrowJLT

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