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Top 5 Nature Drone Fails Compilation01:43

These drones fly through nature getting perspective from what it’s like to be high above the trees. They scan the sky and ultimately take a wrong turn and end in a crash landing.

Top 5 Drone Fails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rhIMfjcwbE&list=PLFiuYJjIYS-uE3Xfkg95Tgm_V9AcjTwfB
Whopper Dropper Drone Over San Francisco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-E0iSJ_UwE&index=37&list=PLFiuYJjIYS-ssr5cZ1cJPUFm58pzt5qc9

DronedOut is a leading viral video and trending video YouTube destination for the most popular, innovative and just plain coolest drone footage. Whether shot on GoPro or any other filming device, these aerial images capture cities, oceans, mountains, and every place in between. For licensing contact licensing (at) jukinmedia.com. DronedOut is owned and operated by Jukin Media Inc

    1. bdseidler
    2. gadgetman 404
    3. Aerialbd

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