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Trying to Fly my 6s RACE Drone (FAIL)00:00

L&S Signs http://www.lcsignwriting.co.uk/
eBay Shop https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/L-S-Signs
?Free MINI eBay course + tips from Kev – https://kevtalbot.com/ebay42/
?FULL eBay Course (11 step Blueprint) – https://kevin-talbot.teachable.com/p/kev-s-ebay-course
?Check out my Business Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSFMPi-YpjTY6ebpt3vquLw
?My LIVE Stream Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHef8qZOAC7AD7rYyce-Ow?sub_confirmation=1
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?Kev’s RC Basher School – https://kevin-talbot.teachable.com/p/kev-s-rc-basher

Get Drone here:
With Radio – https://www.banggood.com/Eachine-Wizard-X220HV-6S-RC-FPV-Racing-Drone-F4-OSD-600mW-Foxeer-Cam-w-Jumper-T8SG-V2_0-Plus-Transmitter-Mode-2-FrSky-Flysky-Receiver-RTF-p-1447114.html?p=AO191223234372201807&custlinkid=258203
Without Radio – https://www.banggood.com/Eachine-Wizard-X220HV-6S-FPV-Racing-RC-Drone-PNP-w-F4-OSD-45A-40CH-600mW-Foxeer-Arrow-Mini-Pro-Cam-p-1378797.html?p=AO191223234372201807&custlinkid=258205

This is my fun channel, you’ll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff 🙂 Although a lot of my videos are RC Car videos you will also see other stuff like business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance and many other topics.

#kevintalbot #rccars #rc

    1. V2 Vids
    2. NabiL
    3. Random Stuff
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    5. lol bot3
    6. nick Buzzorca
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    11. chill beats and cod!!!

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