This time it’s a TRUE NEW WORLD DISTANCE RECORD for a battery powered quadcopter! Finally.
The flight was almost perfect, except for the wind. If there was no headwind on the way back, I could even do about 33-35 km, but the wind kept my average speed at 48 km/h instead of 54 with 0 wind.
I don’t know if I’ll going to try to squeeze some more from this setup… it’s almost at it’s limit now. I don’t really know, guys… and the reason for my doubts is simple: I’ve got an idea of making a new, even more effecient quad, capable of reaching 40km mark. So bear with me!
went u at low alt.. the mah/km is so high
смотрел с замиранием сердца. Прекрасное кино! Спасибо, Автор!
congrats man, love the distances…….
what is the type of battery
Well, I’m impressed!
Great! How did you solve you video link problem at the end? You had much interfereces even at short distances in the past. So what was the problem?
what motors do you use and the lipo?
Класс! Мои поздравления! А что за акк.?
What OSD is that?
Awesome job! What motors and props are you using?
Awesome! New excitement to our great hobby! Congratulationss!!! Good luck for your next tries! =)