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30.5-61km Quadcopter FPV Flight – World Distance Record (Полет на квадрокоптере на 30.5-61 км)05:52

This time it’s a TRUE NEW WORLD DISTANCE RECORD for a battery powered quadcopter! Finally.

The flight was almost perfect, except for the wind. If there was no headwind on the way back, I could even do about 33-35 km, but the wind kept my average speed at 48 km/h instead of 54 with 0 wind.

I don’t know if I’ll going to try to squeeze some more from this setup… it’s almost at it’s limit now. I don’t really know, guys… and the reason for my doubts is simple: I’ve got an idea of making a new, even more effecient quad, capable of reaching 40km mark. So bear with me! 😉

    1. Ansari Flight Plan
    2. Dynamitry
    3. MiamiJato
    4. Aws Muslim
    5. WackFPV
    6. mrnother
    7. gokul sangamitrachoyi
    8. Harurama
    9. KorayFPV
    10. metropolisfpv
    11. Wildpix FPV
    12. Scott Yang

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