Arduino UNO is used as the control Board or Flight controller of this Quadcopter.
Buy Quadcopter Kit(Arduino, Battery not included)-
Code and Schematics-
These Motors are connected to speed controllers which are being inputted with the PWM signals through Arduino.The Flight controller consists of the PID algorithm to control ESC’s.The MPU6050 Module (GY-521) is used to sense the orientation of the Quadcopter.It also consists a magnetometer for proper directions.A transmitter is used to control the throttle, Pitch, Roll, and Yaw.
I am trying to add some more features to it, Like a sonar sensor to sense Height.Also finding some Better Motor Replacements for my A2212’s.
Parts Used:
A2212 brushless motors x 4-
Speed controllers x 4-
Arduino Uno R3-
silicone wires-
Angle Brackets-
M3 Screws-
M3 Nuts-
Aluminum Bars or c-channels
and some common tools
can u provide a neat full code for arduino mega 2560 and neat schematic diagram for all pins ? i cant understand the multiwii software program and how to upload it to arduino mega.
i dont think if it will fly… too heavy
How much does it weigh? And you should really put up a video of it while flying.
most arduino controller works fine sketch 2.4 s available but there s a lot of probleme to solve yaw and pid and more …
what is the kv of motors
speed controllers model ?
nice video
at 8:22…is it transmitter??Can you tell me what company’s 4 channel transmitter are you using??And what it costs?
which motor did you use??
A Complete Guide on How to Use the Code and Upload to Arduino with Schematics >>
Within in the multiwii arduino sketch, which tab could i write my own functions of making it thrust up for seconds or something?
it’s very interesting video. .thank you so much^^*
I do like you do not start the engine, I used flysky i6. do not know what impact it
hello, in what order to connect motors???
does it fly?
can you sent your uploaded programme to me for my arduino
Hey, how did you arm the escs with the arduino? What code did you use? I have looked at the code and honesty, i have no clue what was going on. Can you help me out? Im a part of a competition, and need know how to code esc with arduino for a RC car. Thanks
sir do we need to calibrate all 4 BLDC to make them run simultaneously ? or should we use controller board to calibrate all 4 of them ?
why do we need the speed controllers
How do u connect the ESCs to the battery? How do u connect the battery to the arduino?
I didnt see any RC transmitter Receiver…did I miss something??
can we use driver motor L298N instead of speed Controller
I am new
You certainly do work very quickly.
please send the code for this
how do you connect 4 ESCs with battery terminals… plz can you tell?
hi, I am working on a Quadcopter safety feature for my college project, I need to power four motors for propellers + an extra motor for the safety system. Can I do that using Arduino Uno? please help
sir ham ko v sikhna hai
No test flight?
Excelente video, gracias por compartir. Thanks by share It´s a cool video
you had a beautiful table
Could you do detiled diagram
did you use a pid controller for it?
Hallo kannst du mir mit einer Arduino raspberry Schaltung helfen für einen wifi gesteuerten schneeschieber ich kann fast alles mechanisch bauen aber die Elektronik
is Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter &Receiver good for it?
now get yourself a BPi M3 with a camera module and make that thing follow you around with no controller =D
the proceser and the flyskys are quite high price so is there any alturenating avalabel ???? #ZRtronics
wooow very well
I’m having problem choosing the right battery, how should I choose how many volts and Amps the battery should be
it is complicate with every remote or not
Quadcopter Kit (Arduino, Battery not Included) >>
Quadcopter Kit (Arduino, Battery not Included) >>
nice work
ja vi que nao deu certo, teve motor que nem funcionou quando vc deu o coletivo
hello, how do You Connect the wires! and how do You calibrate the Esc?
why you up throttle at that time only one motor rotate
Hi RZtronics can u give me the programme that it make this project work like for example ‘{ void setup {} void loop {} } plzzzz urgent
Thank you
could you share to me the whole arduino coding to fly the quadcopter to me? i’m sorry but i’m so bad at arduino coding
Bhai pura video banav muje udta dekhna he
sir did you use power board for that?
how much weight it can lift.
The colour of that wall is amazing!
Can u please help me with receiver connections! Bit confused with Rx,esc, and arduino(uno) connections!
please do reply!
I will join you and when I have many subscribers I will publish great things
nice job
Whats the frequency and how other controllers dont accidentally intercept or control it?
Antti Kantola alot of controllers use 2.4. I have not had any problems with them. and I use 5.8 for my FPV.
So I’m building an arduino quadcopter and i ran into a problem. After the ESC calibration setup with the arduino, i turned the throttle up a little and the motors started twitching and beeping. Do you happen to know what is going on? Please help. I could email the video of what it is doing if you’d like to see.
Hi, cool video, I am building a quadcopter with arduino too but I have a problem. when I connect the battery, the engine and the receiver to the ESC nothing happends and the voltage go down to zero, do you think is a problem of the battery or of the receiver?
wher is the cod arduino uno ? pls
In the Description
Good afternoon ! Perfect machine, congratulations. Can you help me ? I’m building a flying bicycle for my use. I put 6 motors of 80 KV and ESC 800 A, I am having difficulty to activate the 6 motors. Can you tell of Modulo control 6 brushless motors? Please .
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Here is Controller Board for Arduino UNO
okay, they must have some frequency coding or protection so they dont mix. thnks for answer :o)
Did you get to fly?
Quadcopter run
Esa propaganda más fea el negro pone la cara como que este estriñido
Esa propaganda más fea el negro pone la cara como que este estriñido
Arduino Uno is an 8 bit IoT, tge latest fc’s are 32 bit more powerfull.
Arduino Uno is an 8 bit IoT, tge latest fc’s are 32 bit more powerfull.
Mi sono iscritto mi ricambi?
Hola ,he visto algunos de sus video y me a llamado mucho la atención y te quiero proponer una ofertas de trabajo de un proyecto que estado trabajado que e pensado lanzarlo un par de meses al mercado .
I just got some A2212s (1000kv) for an undersea ROV i’m building, what problems did you have with these motors ?
how to connect transmitter and receiver bro
sir plz give me u r cont plz
thire ae same problem with my drone sir plz help u r cont plz
ha ha this not fly
I love your video man!!! GREAT JOB… I started to make some arduino videos, could you come check it out and tell me what you think… thanks
nice thnx
in the video only one motor rotates. why?
nice virus code buddy didnt fool me its an infectous file that destroys your computer
nice virus code buddy didnt fool me its an infectous file that destroys your computer
is it possible to control it with the internet
can i use smartphone for control this drone?
Sir how to connect receiver chennal can you tell me
Sir how to connect receiver chennal can you tell me
Sir how to connect receiver chennal can you tell me
Sir how to connect receiver chennal can you tell me
hello can you help my
i have a project in the quadcopter
i have a difficult in the communication because i don’t have a télécomande
i cherche the solution
can help my brother
video is queit interesting but some music is appreciated
CODE ????
this tool is very important for arduino project
Kw of motor?
can i use same code for H shape quadcopter?
can i use same code for H shape quadcopter?
Hii…i am using this esc that u used in your quad i.e emax blheli 30amp but that doesn’t working with arduino… what can i do??
Bad design, too much weight
Which pin no you connected reciver
hi, i want to build a project similar like this. but i want it to control it using hc-05 bluetooth module. can anyone help me to understant how to do it?
hi, i want to build a project similar like this. but i want it to control it using hc-05 bluetooth module. can anyone help me to understant how to do it?
hi, i want to build a project similar like this. but i want it to control it using hc-05 bluetooth module. can anyone help me to understant how to do it?
can you help me to build program single copter arduino uno
can you help me to build program single copter arduino uno
first watch this video
Arduino ile Drone (Quadcopter) Yapımı
I made the same quadcopter but that frame is trembling. And highly unstable
Can somebody tell me the length of all four aluminium bars
They are 350mm. You can have dimensions as per your Requirement.
OK but won’t there be stability problems if measurements aren’t right?
You will need to Tune the PID parameters in GUI to achieve Stability.
which prize multiwi transmiter and flight controller
thnks man . but where do I find the arduino codes . Help
How To Weld Wires 4WD Robot Smart Car Chassis
كيف لحام الأسلاك 4WD روبوت سيارة ذكية الهيكل
الميزات :
+ العمل الجهد: DC 3V / 5V / 6V
+ التشغيل الحالي: 100 مللي أمبير / 100 مللي أمبير / 120 مللي أمبير
+ ني تهمة (مع عجلة): 100 دورة في الدقيقة / 190 دورة في الدقيقة / 240 دورة في الدقيقة
+ السرعة (بدون تحميل): 20 م / دقيقة / 39 م / دقيقة / 48 م / دقيقة
+ الضوضاء: <65 ديسيبل
+ قطر العجلة: 66 ملم
+ الحجم (L * W * H): 25.5 × 15.5 × 6.5 سم
How To Weld Wires 4WD Robot Smart Car Chassis
كيف لحام الأسلاك 4WD روبوت سيارة ذكية الهيكل
الميزات :
+ العمل الجهد: DC 3V / 5V / 6V
+ التشغيل الحالي: 100 مللي أمبير / 100 مللي أمبير / 120 مللي أمبير
+ ني تهمة (مع عجلة): 100 دورة في الدقيقة / 190 دورة في الدقيقة / 240 دورة في الدقيقة
+ السرعة (بدون تحميل): 20 م / دقيقة / 39 م / دقيقة / 48 م / دقيقة
+ الضوضاء: <65 ديسيبل
+ قطر العجلة: 66 ملم
+ الحجم (L * W * H): 25.5 × 15.5 × 6.5 سم
can you please give me the circuit diagram for the connections for ARDUINO UNO rather than arduino mini please please please please..
my email
can you please make a video on 3 axis gimbal using UNO
why u not show it can fly??
why u not show it can fly??
can u please share me the link of the multiwii bluetooth controlling applications ….the application which i download is not supporting in my phone (multiwii config))
why cant you make good videos in which we could understand all the connections. in this video i am not able to understand any connections. ur video is going so fast. if u have any urgency that u made this video this much fast then had u made this video. and not any tutorial of uploading the code. this video was not good. when i tried to open the schematics and code page i was not able to down load the code and the schematics was just opposite to what had u done in ur video. are u making us fools. do u think we are bullshits. if u cant make ur video better which will understand everything to the viewer then u just stop making video.
The motor on the right isn’t spinning
on your website image are not comming clearly .plz can you upload again
How to build a quadcopter – buy a kit?
So, does it fly?
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Very good bro keep it up you are genius
Is this drone run by fs i6
No vice no details
Where are the codes
This piece of shit even fly?
To simplify younger kids to learn hardware programming, I
would recommend this magnificient Maker UNO board at