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Basic Quadcopter Tutorial – Chapter 4 – KK2 Board, ESC Calibration, throttle range and props15:12

For more RC related stuff feel free to visit my Homepage: http://rc-creator.jimdo.com/

In this Tutorial I am going to show you how to build your own basic quadcopter. I am going to show you step by step what you need in order to do so.

This is chapter 4 of the Basic Quadcopter Tutorial which covers the KK-Board installation, ESC Calibration, throttle range as well as prop balancing and installation.

I am by far no pro at doing this, but I do it to give you some information and as a possible help for your own build. I hope you enjoy this video and if you have any questions or comments feel free to post them below. I am going to answer your questions. Thanks, RC-Creator

    1. akross44
    2. Jay Haines
    3. olivier despatis
    4. Jacek K
    5. Jacek K
    6. Jacek K
    7. André Oaklin
    8. Stephen Smyth
    9. Robert Alexander
    10. sk80rb0i
    11. Edimar Stein
    12. salvatore Perna
    13. Mikolaj kaniewski
    14. ray men
    15. shadowblackmagic
    16. fragmen52
    17. Zane Erickson
    18. EliteHunting1911
    19. El-Luminati
    20. João Pinto
    21. Blastingcap
    22. Bauss
    23. Joe Andrews
    24. Tomáš Mrva
    25. Francisco Augusto
    26. Summit Sayem
    27. davide1000mr
    28. Come Aun
    29. hdrjunkie
    30. Francisco Augusto
    31. jorge Nelson felix
    32. Glucoperon
    33. taher kapadia
    34. Adam Keely
    35. Sahil Sanil
    36. eddie Quintana
    37. Johnny H.
    38. Johnny H.
    39. Jadson Santos
    40. Supernova
    41. alien4fish
    42. blisx264
    43. Loodachris253

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