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In this Tutorial I am going to show you how to build your own basic quadcopter. I am going to show you step by step what you need in order to do so.
This is chapter 4 of the Basic Quadcopter Tutorial which covers the KK-Board installation, ESC Calibration, throttle range as well as prop balancing and installation.
I am by far no pro at doing this, but I do it to give you some information and as a possible help for your own build. I hope you enjoy this video and if you have any questions or comments feel free to post them below. I am going to answer your questions. Thanks, RC-Creator
1. what is your transmitter-reiceiver??? 2. How much does it cost???
I just want to thank you for taking the time to make these videos and share
them with us! – I have my first quadcopter due to arrive next week, a ST360
with KK2.0 Flight Controller and now thanks to you have some idea of how to
set it up! – Thanks for all your time!
I my kk2.0 board does not detect the esc how can I fix that
I need cheap platform to build for my go pro 3 . afrter this video
instruction it easy and save me a lot and lot of time to get hows
everything working. chers mate
Which control board do I need to use for fly back home mode? more info guys
you can find on
Im waiting for a day when I can build one , get in and fly away;)
When I plug in my ESC into the programming card, it won’t turn on
I have
the same setup.
Plz help and thanks for the tutorials.
Thank you so much! I have been struggling to get my quadcopter setup for
such a long time but this video helped me to get it.
Now I just need to balance my props and fully secure everything down and
then I can fly it.
Great video, thanks. I’m just starting out and it’s very helpful. I would
Never done it before.
have liked to see how do you tighten the props
Great Video, I’m assembling a similar quad – same frame as yours with 2
2200mah lipo battery. Can you tell me the PI settings you are using ?
thank you
I wonder if you’ve had trouble with ACC CALIBRATION board is giving
error. What could I do to solve
could you mount a 5 th rotor in the center and if you could how would you
set the kk2 1.5 with 4 quad motors and a fifth in the center?
hallo! Roll & pitch {(alieron and elevatn)}, yow (rudder), auto level is
on? HELP
could you use a devo rx with this board?
My transmitter is getting no power from the board. It worked before. What
can this be being caused by? I’ve checked the wiring layout and everything
like 50 times!
Could I replace the receiver with a raspberry pi or arduino and Hook them
to the kk board
So you never go into detail about the extra power cable you said you got.
Which I assume is what you attached to the bottom of the KK2 board. Where
do these two wires go to? You never explain that.
Your videos are great. What was the total cost of this quadcopter?
Is it really necessary to add the sticky tape on the propellers?
On chapter 3 you use a board to test motors and orientations. That board
its needed or we can just use this you use in chapter 4 and test with that?
I have a problem with my x525, only one motor work fine, the others shake
to much. I dont know if the problem its the propellers, I think its the
Prop Adapter. Can help me? I have make a video: Quadcopter problems – Prop
Adapter ?
what frame is that? recomended prop size?
When you are programming the ESCs with the programming card you say connect
with the “signal on the far left” but you don’t say which color that is
i.e. what color wire is the signal – it is different on some ESCs…I have
a Turnigy 30 amp with purple, red (middle), and yellow cables…which is
I think buying turnigy card is hard way… simple and easy buy and use
servo tester to set max and min values for regulators
my KK2.1.5 , when armed is beeping!! Would you know what is ?
please provide some details about proper prop placement- i.e selecting
pusher props and normal props, and the way they should face with respect to
motor rotation.
Why do you set the battery type to Ni-xx when you had a Li-po???
I ordered two kk2.1 boards and they both have the same issue. M1 output
sends the wrong signal to whatever ESC I plug in. It makes any motor start
like the others and then accelerate very fast. This is on a level surface
after ACC calibration and ESC calibration. If I plug motor 2 on M1 output,
then motor 2 accelerates. If I plug motor 3 on M1, then motor 3 accelerates
and so on. I tried everything possible. I reflashed both boards with all
the firmwares available many times. It flies but it’s very jittery because
of that issue. Anybody got an idea? Am I so lucky that I got 2 bad boards?
do you have to program all esc’s like this? I have the pre flashed SimonK
escs for mine… I didn’t think theyd need to be programed any!
Dont worry, this beep s normal! I found it!
Love how you just fast forwarded through the part I was confused about with
10:05- 10:07
Can someone tell me how to sync the remote with the quadcopter
Dude, the way you present, talk, order, everything is perfect, you have the
only videos on setting up quad copters I understand , keep it up well done
Can this configuration and choice of motors and escs also work for hobby
king X525 Quadcopter frame?
How did you reverse the left and right I have the same issue? Thanks.
my quad is not arming i have the fly sky fs-t6 transmitter any suggestions
does anyone know what to do if its not arming
Bom dia Amigo !
Quando liguei minha placa KK2.1.5 ela mostrou uma mensagem na tela e depois
não consegui visualizar mas nada ,você poderia me ajudar não sei o q esta
acontecendo o display está aceso mas não mostra nenhuma mensagem
does putting tape on the prop really matter?
im following along here, but HOW did you reverse the channel when you
connected the the receiver ??? What was the procedure?
Thanks for sharing!
Why did you set the LiPo to NiMh?
Thank you this video helped me from a quadcopter flipping over on take off
to getting it in the air and adjusting the trim on my controller. Now to
balance the props and Amazon Prime makes it so I can get the parts in a
couple days. Thanks for taking the time to make the video