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Best Brushless Whoop of 201812:19

What is the best brushless whoop of 2018??? I compare 5 of the most popular brushless whoops and choose a best 1s brushless and 2s brushless whoop.

Check out the website for the post and a comparison chart of all these quads: https://fpv-flightclub.com/best-brushless-whoop/

See below on how you can win a Mobula 7 and Beta75x.

**UPDATE** The contest is over. Thanks to everyone who participated. Congrats to Kumokraft and DirtyDog_FPV!

I’ve reviewed all these quads. See the individual reviews of each brushless whoop:

EMAX Tiny Hawk – https://tinyurl.com/y9rrennw
Inductrix Brushless – https://tinyurl.com/ybzsloto
BetaFPV Beta75pro – https://tinyurl.com/yaz3j8fz
BetaFPV Beta75x – https://tinyurl.com/yaa5sh2j
Happymodel Mobula 7 – https://tinyurl.com/y8vao8es

When it comes to whoop style quads there are two types, Tiny Whoop and brushless whoops. Tiny whoop are generally 65mm, use brushed motors and weigh 35g with battery. Brushless whoops are around 75mm, use brushless motors and weigh 40g with battery.

So based on what you want in a whoop, tiny whoop if you want something to fly inside your house, 1s for a backyard flyer and 2s for bigger areas.

This video will be all about brushless whoops. I’ll give you my thoughts on the positives and negatives to help you choose the best brushless whoop for you.

I didn’t mention in the video that it was pretty windy that day and there was a good cross breeze going through the warehouse. The lighter quads like the Tiny Hawk and Mobula 7 had issues going through the concrete windows. That’s why the Tiny Hawk hit the wall. The wind caught it and put it in the wall. The heavier quads like the Beta75x handled the wind much much easier.

Buy the brushless whoops:

EMAX Tiny Hawk – https://tinyurl.com/yajqkp8f
Inductrix Brushless – https://tinyurl.com/y9c6hjn5
BetaFPV Beta75pro – https://tinyurl.com/y7tjkcu6
BetaFPV Beta75x – https://tinyurl.com/y7sdbrw5
Happymodel Mobula 7 – https://tinyurl.com/y86e3ppa

Use this coupon code for 10% off the Beta75X and Mobula 7: ytwhoop

Contest time!

I’m going to give away a Mobula 7 and Beta75x.

Contest rules:

* The contest is over, Kumokraft and DirtyDogFPV are the winners! Thanks to everyone who entered!

1. Like this video
2. Be a subscriber to this channel
3. Add a comment and let me know what you think of this video and at the end of your comment put either beta75x or mobula 7 so i’ll know which whoop you want to win.
4. Subscribe to our email news letter. Go to the website and scroll to the very bottom of the page. Enter your email


In two weeks time I’ll use a random comment picker to choose two winners, one for the Mobula 7 and one for the Beta75x. Good luck!

If you found this post helpful, it would be super cool if you purchased the components from my store or purchase items from my Amazon links. These posts are expensive and take a loooong time to make so the purchases make it possible for me to keep making them. Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate it 🙂


Current Quad Setup

FlightClub Neutron – https://tinyurl.com/y9ahxgmy
EMAX Mini Magnum 2 – https://tinyurl.com/ydbv8qjv
Foxeer Arrow Micro Pro – https://tinyurl.com/y77og9qa
Tmotor F40II 1750KV – https://tinyurl.com/y8bh9p9
TBS Unify V3 – https://tinyurl.com/ycdtmfbt
Lumenier AXii Stubby – https://tinyurl.com/y7l79ym4
TBS Crossfire Nano – https://tinyurl.com/yb57aqw8
Immortal T Antenna – https://tinyurl.com/ydc6s59q

My Video Equipment:

Sony A7rii – https://amzn.to/2SbvZNT

Favorite Tools

Weller Digital Soldering Station – https://amzn.to/2JngsXg
Dewalt Gyroscopic Screwdriver – https://amzn.to/2EOwLOq
Anker Powerhouse – https://amzn.to/2JGbOUz

Don’t forget to subscribe!

Check out our website – http://fpv-flightclub.com
Like us on FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/fpvflightclub
Follow us on Instagram – https://instagram.com/fpvflightclub

    1. Braap Life
    2. Justin Harville
    3. Mr Gauss
    4. Josh Hall
    5. FPV5150
    6. Mike Day
    7. Hmetalz
    8. 1076j
    9. mdixon32
    10. Richard Dougherty
    11. Ralphy Vazquez
    12. Bernard Hahn
    13. jean-pierre roy
    14. Chris Burchett
    15. lonnie wasden
    16. Egon Achim
    17. doktor drone
    18. bakkiepleur_fpv
    19. Lance Larymore
    20. Blackwolf2111
    21. Drone Obsessed Jerry Calverley
    22. StressedYeti
    23. Bergwacht
    24. gpletcher70
    25. Kevin Wy
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    27. Spideystrat

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