Building a High Speed FPV QuadCopter07:12

0:24 unpacking parts
1:25 building the QuadCopter
5:23 Settings for my QuadCopter
5:43 Flying the Quadcopter


I got this quadcopter for 3 days until de flightcontroller stopped working and supposedly let my quadcopter crash. Already had to buy a new one unfortunately.

Frame is made by:

My last video was the maiden flight of this frame, the first 6 runs I had with it. In my opinion every part is great in this quadcopter! the fpv camera, although it is a cmos, works great. I had the hs1189 before this one. The hs1189 is a disaster to fly with! The only downside about this setup is that it loves to eat batteries. The motors are powerfull enough to discharge a 1300mah lipo in one minute if I fly aggressive.

♫ – Epic Soul Factory – Everdream this video also copyrighted by them.

Xray 200 Making of:
Betaflight FC3
Emax RS2205S 2600kv
Aikon ESC 30A @ multishot
HS1197 (foxeer monster v2)
Tramp HV
Tiny Frsky 8CH Receiver
dinogy graphene 2.0
Dal 5x4x3
Go Pro Session 4

    1. Herman Harmers
    2. Freeze FPV
    3. hardkur
    4. Byron Foster

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