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Diatone 2.5 Inch FPV Quad – The Sweet Spot of Micro Drone Racers16:53

Diatone has several Micro FPV Drone Racers – All these quads are high end and loaded with features, OSD, RunCam, brushless motors and for the most part, all use the same electronics. The sizes range from 2 inch all the way to 5 inch. Each has its own unique purpose, but we have found the 2.5 inch maybe the best of all. Due to its smaller size and crazy powerful motors, this can be easily run on 2S – 4S. This is one of our most fun smaller quads – great for the intermediate to advanced, but we do not recommend for the total noob.

Dont Like to solder – Pickup a professional solder FrSky Receiver from our Diatone BNF selection

Shop Diatone Quads

New to Drone Racing, we have our favorites listed here

    1. Grayson Hobby
    2. BumpierDrake960
    3. willettfx
    4. Larry Dommer
    5. A - Z tube
    6. Evan McNeal
    7. RobertGoulet298
    8. Kyle Samuelson
    9. RC-Fan NL
    10. rogue factor
    11. C c
    12. Tidges
    13. MK bodybuilding

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