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Diatone – Mamba F405 Power Tower Build Part 208:56

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Today we’re taking a look at the Diatone Mamba F405 Power Tower. An F4 Fc and 40amp esc combo at a budget price.


Mamba F405 FC
Item name: F405 Betaflight Flight Controller
Input power: 12.6-25V (3-6S)
BEC: 5V/1.5A
MCU: STM32F405
Gyro: MPU6000
Flash: 16MB
OSD: AT7456
Mounting hole: 30.5*30.5mm
Weight: 6g

Mamba F40 ESC
Item name: Mamba F40HV ESC
Input voltage: 3-6S (12.6V~25V)
Continue current: 40AA×4
Burst current: 40/50A (6S)
Mounting: 30mm / φM3
Weight: 10g

Package Included:
1 x Mamba F405 Betaflight Flight Controller
1 x Mamba F40 HV ESC

#DiatonemambaF405 #Diatone #Diatonemamba

    1. Paul Hargrove
    2. The Quadcopter Review
    3. Luis Hurtado
    4. Equip Pro
    5. Sebastián Sombra
    6. HAA FPV
    7. MC's Creations
    8. KennyLee NYC
    9. KwadKen
    10. Dane Iledan
    11. Hakan Cakirkan
    12. nerdCopter [Thibodaux Louisiana]
    13. Archer FPV
    14. Raw FPV
    15. Haralambos Organopoulos

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