Video showing the setup on a KK2.1 Flight controller, Receiver Test, Transmitter binding, and ESC Calibration on a a DJI F450 frame.
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Video showing the setup on a KK2.1 Flight controller, Receiver Test, Transmitter binding, and ESC Calibration on a a DJI F450 frame.
More info and pics at:
There is a ghost at 14:11!!!! Watch after motor spin u lol!!!!!!
Great video, but how did you power the led’s for night flying?
HI, Thank you!
Two questions: How do I know the numbers in the P1 Editor ( gains) , you said we have to experiment, what about setting up for the first time?
None of my ESCs have BEC, using external BEC, Do I plug it into the RX? (aux), afraid I don’t know how to make a modification like you. What do people usually do in this case.
Thanks in advance…
Dear you like expert could you help me to setup qq super flight control with radio link At9 actually I done all connections but all motor is not spinning in the same time only spinning 2
I have a little question.
I have KK2.1.5 flight controller and speed controller 4x RC Simonk 30A ESC Brushless Motor Speed Controller for Multicopter BEC 5V / 2A.
To connect them have I disconnect the plus wire from BEC in M2-M4 connections and leave plus just only in the M1, or can i connected regular without disconnect anything (3 wire from BEC to controller )?
What leg extenders are you using?
hi. can you help please. how can i change between default Misc. settings to Misc. Settings 2 on screen? is it possible to do without usbasp – cause i have just the board. may be pressing buttons))?
Can you help me? I have a safe transmitter and it won’t start on full throttle, it tells me to turn it down before it boots. How can I calibrate the ESCs?
hi can you list down all the electronics’ specs you used in this project? thank you!
hi can you list down all the electronics’ specs you used in this project? thank you!
my kk 2.1.5 board says pass through mode and then goes to the main screen, the screen before menu
i have a st 360 quad with kk2.1 . in my tx when i just give 1 percent of throttle it goes to the max level what can i do
hi , could you please hep me configure my kk2 and esc , I just couldnt get it going after multiple tries .Thnax
Hi I have a question about the 9XR pro that you are running
What reciever are you pairing it with? Im looking for a TX RX and im leaning twards the 9X with the 9X and 8channel RX from Hobby King, Your video REALLY helped me set up my SK450, now im looking to start upgrading.
Thanks for sharing!
Does this work with PWM transmitters?
+alien4fish , I was using the FrSky V8FR-II 2.4Ghz 8CH Receiver (HV), with the FrSky DJT 2.4Ghz Telemetry Module.
Outstanding! I just ordered the the Taranis plus combo fro Helibatics and it shipped today.
But im having a HELL of time trying to get my SK450 to fly right, It seems to want to gyrate around Not stable and it flipped over on itself.
Hopefully the Taranis and new reciever will help.
Thanks for the response and taking the time to post up this video, Happy New Year!
Great “how to” video. Question about self level settings. How do I give myself more control and less to the quad like for better bank turns. I am more of a sport flyer rather than FPV or video.
+jerry zito , I was running the Steveis KK2.1 Firmware that is geared more for beginners and / or slower reaction for use with a photography platform. He also offers a “Pro” version of the firmware which is much more responsive and better for stuff like Acro. Search for “Steveis KK2.1 V1.19S1 Updated Firmware”.
ok thanks
You seem knowledgeable on KK2. Not looking for speed, just more maneuvering control.
Hey man I really need help. I have a kk2.1.5 which is similar to the one you’re using. I also have a tipple 3 cell battery 11.1 v. When i connect the battery to the four escs and connect the escs to the kk2.1.5 it turns on and then turns off. Then I can’t turn it back on. Did I fry it?
What battery are you using and what escs?
+Ben Hobson , battery was a Turnigy 3 cell 11.1V (3600 mAh). The ESCs came with the DJI Flamewheel kit, and I don’t what what the specs were on them.
+MrArmagedd0n Thanks a lot! Happy flying.
hey +MrArmagedd0n, great video! Can you tell me where you got those landing blades located on bottom of each arms. Looking everywhere for those. Thanks.
I didn’t buy them from this site, but it is the same product. May find it elsewhere for less $.
A great guide.
I have f450 and almost everything seems ok. My problem is that the lever on tne transmitter are switched, im right handed and my throttle and yaw are on the right hand so it’s wrong. do you know how to switch the sticks? Thanks. P.s. VERY much a newbie first build kk2.15 and fs i6 remote.
the motors are rotating only if i am holding the 1st and 4th button else they not rotating . also they all are not starting at the same time . what do i do?
what size and cell lipo are you using?
what size and cell lipo are you using?
How u connected your flight control board to recever from which wire, plz tell me fast
+MrArmagedd0n Friend, I want’ll make a tricóptero t3, I will use the radio Turnigy 6x FHSS with KK.2.1.5. I can calibrate the esc this anyway ??? if I remember correctly, I should put the stick in the maximum, connect the battery and then the esc 2 beeps slow down the stick? also would work I calibrates one esc to see using just the receiver?
+Raimundo Vieira, I sold my DYI quad and purchased a 3DR Solo, so if the answer isn’t found in one of my older setup videos, I really can’t be of much help. Sorry.
How did you manage to pair a turnigy transmitter with an fr sky receiver?
Hello sir .. can you please help me out with my quadcopter .. i have done evrything right i suppose and trying to do the calibration but the motor just didnt start .. it starts only while i push the 1&4 buttin together and i tried calibrating them individually but still not able to fly my quad please help sir.. i am in a mess … i am using tranmistter fs ct6b and kk board 2.1.5
Hello sir .. can you please help me out with my quadcopter .. i have done evrything right i suppose and trying to do the calibration but the motor just didnt start .. it starts only while i push the 1&4 buttin together and i tried calibrating them individually but still not able to fly my quad please help sir.. i am in a mess … i am using tranmistter fs ct6b and kk board 2.1.5
Followed your setup the letter and she flies though a bit twitchy compared to others I have. I do not have GPS on it yet though. One thing I noticed is I can do a CCW funnel with no problems, but CW is very wide and not able to complete the instruction. Is there some setting I need to correct.?
Followed your setup the letter and she flies though a bit twitchy compared to others I have. I do not have GPS on it yet though. One thing I noticed is I can do a CCW funnel with no problems, but CW is very wide and not able to complete the instruction. Is there some setting I need to correct.?
Followed your setup the letter and she flies though a bit twitchy compared to others I have. I do not have GPS on it yet though. One thing I noticed is I can do a CCW funnel with no problems, but CW is very wide and not able to complete the instruction. Is there some setting I need to correct.?
Nice video, thumbs up. Cheers from sunny Sint Maarten
+Rohit Chauhan , I no longer have this particular flight controller, so can’t test anything for you. Best bet would be user forums / communities dedicated to Quadcopters like DroneFlyers, DYIDrones, RCGroups, etc. Good Luck.
if i use 4 channel transmitter then the binding is same as 6 channel transmitter?
ok I will jerk
ok I will jerk
Help! I cannot get mine to arm? Just started doing this, can’t understand why? I have checked and rechecked everything. The receiver is getting signals as the KK2 is reading them in the receiver test menu so I am stumped?
Help! I cannot get mine to arm? Just started doing this, can’t understand why? I have checked and rechecked everything. The receiver is getting signals as the KK2 is reading them in the receiver test menu so I am stumped?
Help! I cannot get mine to arm? Just started doing this, can’t understand why? I have checked and rechecked everything. The receiver is getting signals as the KK2 is reading them in the receiver test menu so I am stumped?
Not sure what is causing your issue. I no longer have this particular flight controller, so can’t be if much help. Recommend heading to RCGroups forum as there are many active KK2.1 users that can help you out. Good luck.
+MrArmagedd0n well thank you for replying anyway. I’ll check there
+MrArmagedd0n well thank you for replying anyway. I’ll check there
Thanks a lot!!!
Great video!!!.. Helped a lot..
So helpful, thank you!
hi, I am using KK 2.1 all setup seems correct but when I increase the throttle with prop installed it disarm automatically. But when it is without prop it works
I no longer have this particular quad and FC, so can’t really help troubleshoot. Sorry.
Please tell me what do you connect at the voltage monitor port on the left. Thanks.
nice vid!!!
i have the same problems with the rud/yaw. i can not find on my turnigy 9XR the menu reverse.
my version is:
nice vid!!!
i have the same problems with the rud/yaw. i can not find on my turnigy 9XR the menu reverse.
my version is:
Thank You!! I use your demo about a year ago and refer to it when I build my quadcopters. Still learning the dynamics of the KK2 board as well as the flight controller. Again Thank you!!
hi,why don’t work receiver test? please help
hi,why don’t work receiver test? please help
What kv are the motors? Also what props are you using? I built a quad w/ a Q450 (knockoff of DJI board.) I like the video, but when using your PI settings my quad flipped twice. The P was way to low. I’m using 1200KV brushless motors w/ 10×4.5 props. Decided to do a bit more research on PI settings before I try any more and found out that too low of P setting can result in a quad that can flip in autolevel mode. FWIW, I double and triple checked the controller, motor direction and props and everything is correct, it will get up in the air and try to stay stable, but as soon as I start to bring it back down it wants to flip.
TAZ427 Not sure what would be causing it to flip. I no longer have this particular quad (sold it), so can’t help much with troubleshooting. As far as the motors go, whatever come with the original DJI Flame Wheel F450 Kit, is what I was using on this quad. Good luck.
my kk2.1 self -level is no but it not armed please help me it is my college project…
when i connected receiver to kk2.1.5 why receiver is blinking without Tx ON and show yaw input error plzzz solve this problem
when i connected receiver to kk2.1.5 why receiver is blinking without Tx ON and show yaw input error plzzz solve this problem
which wire should I use please tell me for the connection of kk 2.1.5.
flight controlled
satendra singh tripathi yaw input error indicates that kk board is not getting any yaw signal from tx. its normal as when tx is off it does not gives yaw or any channel input. when u switch on the kk board with tx on the error screen will be gone
That is a very nice setup.
May I ask where did you get the landing skid Extension? I was checking on aliexpress and ebay, but I could not find one. There are other types, but I like the one you are using, I believe it will give the quad the best stability by landing.
Ranger80pl1, the place I purchased them no longer stocks the extensions. This site seems to have a very similar product, but a bit more expensive than what I paid.
Thank you for the link. It is expensive indeed. A bit too much for a part as simple as a copter landing gear. I believe I will need to check for other options.
Hi, I am kind of stuck with this thing. I have connected it all and in safe mode all seems to be fine, in this radio test option, the controller does recognize all the sticks and is showing values when I am moving them, but after arming it, the only thing which seems to be functioning correctly is the throttle – it lifts off and lands – but that’s about it. When I am trying to move the sticks like rudder, or elevation, to move the model in the air, nothing is happening. I did a test without the propellers and there was no change in engines speed when I was moving the right stick. Would you know what could be the cause of this?
solved. stick scaling was set to “0” i the not working cases.
I no longer have this particular flight controller, so I’m afraid I can’t help troubleshoot. Your best bet would be forums like RCgroups and DYIDrones, since there are active users with the KK2.1 that can help.
iam using kk 2.1.5 for building quadcopter.but here is a problem that is when iam trottle up my motor has stop running.pls solve my probelm
Mentalz House Balance your propellers.
but how?
Can you help me with mine can’t get it to work
bobby Puopolo, I no longer have this setup, so can’t really help troubleshoot. Sorry.
Do I need that control board
Thanks brother! Just ignore the negative comments. We got better things to do.!
I am using kk2.0 board with flysky fs i6 on 450 fram
But when i fly it than it goes in different direction
Even i don’t apply forward or backward
Left or right
Can yo tell me solution
Please reply
Is there a camera
Good sir
Hey love your channel and have been coming back to this video to troubleshoot my kk2.1 board. I wanted to ask how you wired the voltage metre. Have you gone from the battery connector to the voltage metre to the pdb?
dooseyboy, I no longer have this particular flight controller, so I can’t really help troubleshoot anymore. Your best bet would be forums like RCgroups and DYIDrones, since there are active users with the KK2.1 that can help. Good luck.
My quadcopter is not stable Help me
I no longer have this particular flight controller or drone, so I can’t really help troubleshoot anymore. Your best bet would be forums like RCgroups and DYIDrones, since there are active users with the KK2.1 that can help. Good luck.
I no longer have this particular flight controller or quad, so I can’t really help troubleshoot anymore. Your best bet would be forums like RCgroups and DYIDrones, since there are active users with the KK2.1 that can help. Good luck.