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DJI Inspire 2 Top Speed Test – Higher than expected 4K01:45

This is a short video of an impromptu top speed test of my DJI Inspire 2 quadcopter w/ Zenmuse X5S Camera.

A speed test was not planned, and therefore ideal conditions were not present. Battery levels/altitude/wind varied between test runs. The second test run shows major movements at top speed but I believe I was moving the camera/gimbal and not the aircraft, although Im not sure.

I am sure that with ideal conditions/fresh batteries/good wind the Inspire 2 can break 80MPH while shooting professional quality footage. (this video is in H264, not ProRes or CineDNG). I may have to give it another try soon.

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** Later tests using independent GPS have shown the DJI GoApp readings to be false/incorrect. Search YouTube to research.**

    1. Feri K. - Aerodron
    2. TheJWC56
    3. Scotia Droning
    4. chauncey Black
    5. chauncey Black
    6. Historical Sites in Turkey
    7. FlyinCameras Mike
    8. DroneWolf Media
    9. Patrick Conlon
    10. McQuality Designs & Services, LLC
    11. TheJWC56
    12. Historical Sites in Turkey
    13. Historical Sites in Turkey

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