Share DM007 RC Quadcopter Drone Time Test in 9 mph wind AMAZING This is the DM007 RC Quadcopter going for a Time Test in 9 mph wind AMAZING did very well Category: High Speed, Quadcoter Videos Tags:007, cadillac, DIY, DM007, facebook, fast, fly, Ford, free,, google, High, hight,, how to, JJRC, kmart, money, Mustang, nasa, nba, ncaa, quad, Quadcopter, Race, rc, Rocket, sears, striker, syma, youtube One Response Rob Rivers can you change the props on this one? also do you know anyone interested in two tarantula 1505’s..One has a controller with a broken throttle stick.Other came in with a burnt out motor..I’m not into quad operations Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Related Posts Riding With the Wind – Quadcopter ~143 kmh top speed Beautiful first day of the year. Wind gusts make the top speed of ~143 … 02:20 The Olympic Altitude Advantage TWEET IT: The Olympics are almost here, and while most athletes have been training … 00:23 F450 Quadcopter problem Please help me hi tech xyz YouTube channel 05:31 Drone Race Poznań 2019 Poznańska edycja 2019 już za nami, pozostały tylko połamane ramy, zdjęcia, filmy i świetne … 00:00 XFLIP OLED FPV Goggles UPDATE: Banggood discount coupon – BGXflip2 $287.99 XFLIP OLED FPV Goggles. 4:3 aspect ratio, … 05:50 KARTS DRONES (Chasing Session) Vol de drone freestyle en mode chasing de Karts et drones avec mon prototype. …
Riding With the Wind – Quadcopter ~143 kmh top speed Beautiful first day of the year. Wind gusts make the top speed of ~143 …
02:20 The Olympic Altitude Advantage TWEET IT: The Olympics are almost here, and while most athletes have been training …
05:31 Drone Race Poznań 2019 Poznańska edycja 2019 już za nami, pozostały tylko połamane ramy, zdjęcia, filmy i świetne …
00:00 XFLIP OLED FPV Goggles UPDATE: Banggood discount coupon – BGXflip2 $287.99 XFLIP OLED FPV Goggles. 4:3 aspect ratio, …
05:50 KARTS DRONES (Chasing Session) Vol de drone freestyle en mode chasing de Karts et drones avec mon prototype. …
can you change the props on this one? also do you know anyone interested in
two tarantula 1505’s..One has a controller with a broken throttle
stick.Other came in with a burnt out motor..I’m not into quad operations