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Do It Yourself Arduino Uno based Quadcopter | Easy and Step by Step Tutorial02:59

Do It Yourself Arduino Uno based Quadcopter | Easy and Step by Step Tutorial

Check out my quick rundown on the Arduino Uno micro-controller based quadcopter I made. I will be flight testing this quadcopter very soon and I will upload the results from that flight test.

I also get a lot of questions from new hobbyists on how to make a quadcopter. Hence, I’ve decided to prepare an easy and best step by step guide/tutorial videos on how to make an Arduino Uno powered quadcopter. I will upload them soon for you guys. In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the details provided below.

Chirag Sharma
Website: http://engineering.chiragsharma.ca/
Email: chirag.sharma@hotmail.com
Phone: +1(403)926-8189

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