Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that
DutchRC Adventures™.. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever – including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of DutchRC Adventures. We are not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers in this video. DutchRC Adventures is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown – Use at your own risk! This film and the DutchRC Adventures film series broadcast on YouTube is intended for entertainment purposes only.
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
nice flying motion, very stable too!! I like it , thanks for sharing!
its cool Dutch nice one
Thanks people!
It actually turned out to be a useable quad haha 

Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Good Job Ole Boy, I don’t know if I would change a thing, except maybe
water proof with some poly. Which controller you usen?
+MrCasehatter Thank you sir! Yeah.. If the need arrises to build a second
I used a KK2.1 controller here.
version, I will treat the foam indeed
Not fancy, but it does work quite well here
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
Allrighty.. So it flies reasonably well.. Time to put a bit more streign on
this foam copter!
In this flight I’m still not going overboard, but I do put quite a bit of
speed in it..
Let’s see how it holds up to that :)
nice flying dutch seems to work well my friend have fun RCing
+Budget Guy RC Thanks again mate! I really had expected it would brake in
this test
Would it be an improvement if you move the LiPo down, to keep CG low?
+E Laermans Thanks Eric.. Well you would think it would be more stable? In
the previous builds I did have the lipo hanging from the bottom..IF I would
do that, I would allso have to make raised landing-feet however.. Which
would Allso streighn the arms in a landing…
Great video awesome flight it worked out well very nice work my friend
+James Johnson Thank you again James!
To be honest, I had expected it to
break in mid-air in this flight
Sorry if you mentioned already somewhere, but what is the all-up weight as
you’re flying here?
+iforce2d No worries mate
With this lipo, the weight is about 550 grams

haha….man this flies very good…..i have seen rtr factory made quality
quad kits fly a lot worse than that, so great job once again my friend,
super like…..awesome!!!
+MANOS RC Thank you very much man! Highly appreciated!
And that does
make one think about how much development / testing those manufacturers put
in.. right? If I can design something better in a week..
fun video and great flying skills friend!
das wel grappig
Excellent flight !! Very good work!!
+sator rotas Thank you very much again sir Sator!
Seems lien it works well. Lol get me behind the TX and we’ll see if it
survives ;-)
+DutchRC ADVENTURES The stock charger takes 4 hours and if I charge the
Im not sure
1300 battery at 1.3A it takes exactly and hour as it should
if the charger stops when it reaches full or beeps but it kept going after
9V. I stopped it manually at 9.05 but will have to read the manual to see
if I can change that. It says something about auto and manual mode and mine
says manual on the charger but I cant seem to change it…I also just put
on the micro losi plug to the empty leads it comes with and am now
storaging my little 100-500mAh lipos. The heat shrink I got came in handy
+The RCAddict Good..well, at Least it’s far faster then.. And I’m sure
Can’t be that hard mate :)Bit more
you’ll figure the charge-modes out
complicated then you old methode of charging, but well wurth the trouble
I’d say
+DutchRC ADVENTURES Yeah, I love it! Looking through all of the menus it
has a spot that says beep on and buzzer on but not sure what that means.
The beep is obviously every time I press a button it beeps which I like,
but the buzzer sounds like an alarm for when a battery is done but it didnt
go off…I still dont know what the manual is talking about with the manual
and auto mode…
+The RCAddict Once you’ve entered the Nihm mode.. Can’t you then change the
charge methode with the arrow-keys?? The buzzer/beep doesn’t really change
much in the sense of auto charge-stop…
+DutchRC ADVENTURES It only lets you change the what you want to do with it
after you select the battery. Then the voltage, cells, and charge rate.
Your next challenge is to make it flat pack and foldable, but you might
need some Swedish input for that
+Dexter x
Well it is foldable allright
Just not that UN-foldable
after that
+Dexter x But seriously: foldabilty only creates weak-points really.. On
such a small quad I wouldn’t know I would want it to be foldable..