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Eachine EX1 Brushless GPS Quadcopter Indoor Hover03:40

You can buy the quad here https://goo.gl/8Rvhze
Spare parts https://goo.gl/d24cT5
Review here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmwjxmFW5-4
Outdoor flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlyB8-G5jgY
Jello fix and flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=729BhSvHn0k&t

    1. the earth ไงจะใครละ
    2. Ian Rice
    3. GAILLARD Philippe
    4. GAILLARD Philippe
    5. GAILLARD Philippe
    6. TheChap1012
    7. david teddy
    8. rodibremo

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